Methods For Modifying Behavior And Behavior Modification -

Methods For Modifying Behavior And Behavior Modification - that

Behaviorism is a systematic approach to understanding the behavior of humans and other animals. Although behaviorists generally accept the important role of heredity in determining behavior, they focus primarily on environmental events. It combines elements of philosophy, methodology, and theory. Behaviorism emerged in the early s as a reaction to depth psychology and other traditional forms of psychology, which often had difficulty making predictions that could be tested experimentally, but derived from earlier research in the late nineteenth century, such as when Edward Thorndike pioneered the law of effect , a procedure that involved the use of consequences to strengthen or weaken behavior. With a publication, John B. Methods For Modifying Behavior And Behavior Modification

Behavior problems associated with fear and aggression are the most common issues presenting to behaviorists, particularly in dogs.

The latter intervention primarily is based on a classical conditioning paradigm in which the fear eliciting stimulus is paired with something pleasant e. The two broad categories of learning, respondent and operant learning, deal with involuntary and voluntary behaviors respectively. Respondent or classical conditioning encompasses automatic stimulus-response process including reflexes and species typical behaviors. Classical conditioning is employed to develop what are often called "conditioned emotional responses" —behavioral suites indicative of emotional states such as fear.

On the other hand, operant learning deals with voluntary behaviors and behavior-consequence contingencies. This is the process by which animals are taught behaviors such as Click, come, stay, etc. It is the general belief that the animal will be unable to learn operant behaviors in the face of underlying fear responses; therefore, the treatment program should focus on changing the animal's underlying emotional response to a stimulus before other training will be effective.

Behavior programs frequently are designed exclusively to utilize classical conditioning e.

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In reality, both paradigms are in effect at all times no matter what the trainer is hoping to emphasize. Even with "bar open, bar closed" sessions, operant behaviors are being reinforced, even if it is not the trainer's intention. While extreme levels of fear can interfere with effective learning, the notion that fear blocks all learning is inaccurate. Fearful animals still learn effective lessons about escape behavior or aggression, particularly if these behaviors resolve the situation that triggered the fearful response.

If fear abolished learning, fear would be a maladaptive trait in the wild. Desensitization and counterconditioning programs are quite effective in addressing a variety of fear related behaviors. However, they have a number of limitations.]

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