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Divine Love Love Was Created Out Of Video

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Divine Love Love Was Created Out Of

When I made my commitment to serve, I had no idea what it meant or what to expect. I kept hearing the call until I finally submitted to the request. I learned over time that my dedication to my vow presented me with all the lessons Click needed to experience in order to faithfully be of service.

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These lessons were all about the spiritual truths that I required to grow as a spiritual being. In the process of undergoing each challenge, I developed not only spiritually, but humanly. Each undesirable trait that I converted to a healthy, positive one through trial and error, became a blessing in my life. Frustration transformed to acceptance. Anger turned to understanding. Self-doubt became confidence. Judgement converted to forgiveness. My commitment forced me to grow far beyond anything I had ever considered. Each negative trait was Cteated with a positive one.

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My life changed as I transformed through extensive personal growth into a person who could be of service to the greater collective for the benefit of all beings. I discovered how to be at peace with myself and to find love where it always had been, within my own heart. Whatever you carry in your heart is what you have to share with other people in your life and beyond into the general public. If you are carrying joy, peace and happiness, that is what you have an abundance of to give away.

If you are consumed with anger, frustration and self-hatred, you only have those vibrations to contribute to the Ouy of the world around you. How Divinf are feeling inside affects everyone around you, everyone you interact with during your day and most of all, it affects you. Negativity lowers your Divine Love Love Was Created Out Of system, it contributes to your personal problems, it affects all of your relationships including the one you have with yourself. Each day, I am still learning how I can serve even more.

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The most important lesson is for me to stay in my heart center. All the guidance I will ever need is already there, waiting for me to uncover it. The manner in which I live my life, how I share my personal happiness with go here people and the revealing of my experiences is my service. I ask this for the benefit of all beings. To receive further posts like this one by email, you can subscribe on the Contact page of divinewarrioress. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.]

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