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We suggest that both agents have a definite therapeutic potential and deserve further experimental and clinical testing aimed at introduction of novel antihypertensive therapy. Cytochrome P CYP metabolites of arachidonic acid, generated mostly by the vascular endothelium and smooth muscle cells, display distinct vasoactivity and have established role in the control of blood pressure BP and kidney function. The major metabolite group, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids EETsexhibit anti-hypertensive properties that depend not only on their vasodilator but also on the natriuretic potency Imig, Another CYP Ahd, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid HETEis known for its dual action: it is both a prohypertensive agent constricts the renal preglomerular microvasculatureand has antihypertensive properties inhibits renal tubular sodium reabsorption Roman, ; Roman and Fan, Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids are biologically unstable as they are rapidly metabolized by soluble epoxide hydrolase sEH to inactive dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids DiHETEs.

Original Research ARTICLE

Another approach to increase EET activity is to apply agonistic read more that were designed to reduce EETs degradation and improve their solubility Imig et al. One approach to augment EETs activity is to inhibit their degradation which can be accomplished using a specific sEH inhibitor, cis[4- 3-adamantanyl-ureido -cyclohexyloxy]-benzoic acid c -AUCB. Beside the influence of EETs, increased renal formation of HETE can also contribute to the development of hypertension, therefore inhibition of its renal production or blockade of its receptors could reduce hypertension in SHR. However, effects of manipulating the two involved AA pathways must be complex and the possible time-dependence of the effects is unknown.

Therefore, the first goal of the present study was to explore the role of the two active Cyp And Gst Polymorphism And Absolute And metabolites in the control of BP and renal hemodynamics and excretion in acute experiments, within a 2-h interval. The earlier chronic study showed that the effects of the two active agents were clearly additive. Therefore, the second goal here was to examine if this was or was not the case in a short-time acute investigation.

An advantage of such acute studies was that they enabled detailed exploration of intrarenal hemodynamics. Male spontaneously hypertensive rats SHR were used, aged 16 weeks established hypertensionweighing — g. The animals were housed in groups of 2—4, under h light-dark cycle, and had free access to tap water and standard rat chow dry pellets with 0. All measurements were performed between a. A tracheal tube ensured free airways.


After completed surgery the albumin solution was replaced by one enabling measurement of inulin clearance i. The left kidney was exposed from a subcostal flank incision and immobilized in a plastic holder. The ureter was cannulated for timed urine collections. The cortical blood flow CBF was measured using a probe placed on the kidney surface, and inner medullary blood flow IMBF using a needle probe into the kidney to the depth 5 mm.

The details of this measurement technique were described previously Walkowska et al. Post-surgery control parameters were first recorded during a min urine collection. Both substances were infused i.

Blood samples for inulin determination were withdrawn as needed. After completed experiments the animals were euthanised by an intravenous overdose of sodium thiopenthal. EET-A i. AAA i. Untreated 0. Following surgical preparations as described for Series I, a protocol analogous with that for EET-A studies was applied.

To measure GFR, the rapid microtiter plate assay was used for determination of inulin in rat plasma and urine. Plasma and urine samples were prepared by addition of indoleacetic acid Sigma-Aldrich and HCl and vortexing. To define the n number needed to arrive at reliable determination of significant differences, appropriate power analysis was first performed.

In preliminary studies we examined the effect of administering different doses of EET-A 2. None of the doses used caused changes in the parameters tested data not shown. The basal values for the four groups of series I are collected in the upper section of Table 1. Different baseline values in individual groups reflect biological variability of the animals. Unexpectedly, both substances given simultaneously did not significantly alter MABP but a decreasing Cyp And Gst Polymorphism And Absolute And was seen source cessation of experimental infusion.

For both parameters the increase tended to the least with EET-A alone.]

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