Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar -

Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar Video

The Bell Jar Through A Feminist Lens Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar. Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar

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Terrell Ayala. Answers 2.

Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar

Wendy Huang 4 April, 0. B is the answer Without air, the sound waves cannot travel to the ear.

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Hannah Vega 4 April, 0. Sound wave needs medium to travel as energy which travels in this wave is because of transfer from one particle to another particle If there is no medium then energy can not be transferred and sound wave will not travel so in vacuum we can not listen sound similarly here air is removed it means there is no medium inside the jar to travel the sound and hence we can not hear it Option B is correct Without air, the sound waves cannot travel to the ear. Know the Answer? Not Sure About the Answer? Once all the air is removed and a vacuum is crated, the ringing sound is no longer Try a smart search to find answers to similar questions.

Causes And Characters In The Bell Jar

Related Questions. In an experiment, a ringing bell is placed in a vacuum jar that does not have any air in it.

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