A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C Video

Screening and Treating Hepatitis C at the Penn Center for Viral Hepatitis A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C. A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C

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Current HCV Treatment Options

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A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is the number 1 cause of liver cancer. It affects about three million people click the United States 1 and 71 million people globally. Treatment of hepatitis C HCV has come a long way in the past several years. Historically, HCV patients were given drugs, peglated interferon or ribavirin, which excited your immune system so that you would fight the virus.

This was similar to the way you would fight the flu. Then there were the chemo-like side- effects. Treeatment eligibility for each medication depends on the genotype of the HCV variant that you are infected with. The following 3 drugs have FDA approval to treat all six HCV genotypes in those without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis:.

A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C

On the horizon of anti-HCV use is the concomitant use of a mathematical method to evaluate the efficacy of Trewtment drugs against genotypes 1b and 2a. This method was successfully used to score mono and multi-drug treatment regimens against HCV. This new scoring method could be used to optimize multi-drug treatment regimens 4.

One of the main deterrents to the successful cure of HCV globally was the cost of the DAAs needed to treat the disease. Link and middle-income countries can now aim to achieve a price as low as in the United States for a week course of treatment with generic medication 5 due to cost control measures.


Newer and better anti-fibrosis medications need to be developed. Care needs to be taken to avoid re-infection, especially since vaccination is not currently an option. A vaccine for HCV has been in the works for several years, but none has been patented to date.

A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C

The vast improvement in the in-vitro analysis of HCV have greatly aided our understanding of a rational vaccine design 5 but have not driven us to an effective vaccine yet.]

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