Realism Reality And Dualism -

Realism Reality And Dualism Realism Reality And Dualism

World Of Appearance Outer Truth: We have established that the elements needed to explain reality are to be found in the two spheres of perception and thought.

Realism Reality And Dualism

As we have seen, it is due to our organization that the full, total reality of things including our own self as subject appears at first as a duality. Cognition see more this duality by combining the two elements of reality: the percept and Realism Reality And Dualism concept worked out by thinking, into the complete thing. Let us call the way the world presents itself to us before it has taken on its true nature by means of cognition, "the world of appearance," in contrast to what has been put together out of percept and concept to form a single unity. We can then say, the world is given to us as a duality Dualismand cognition works upon it to bring about a unity Monism.

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A philosophy that starts from this fundamental principle can be called a Monistic philosophy, or Monism. Opposed to this is the two-world theory, Realism Reality And Dualism Dualism. Dualism does not assume that there are two sides of a single reality that are held apart by our organization, but that there are two worlds completely different from each other. It then tries to find in one of these two worlds the principles of explanation for the other. It divides the whole of reality into two realms, each with its own laws, and it leaves these two worlds standing outside one another. The distinction between the object of perception and the thing-in-itself, introduced by Kant into scientific thought and since removed from it, stems from this kind of Dualism.

Our discussion has shown that it is due to the way our mental organization functions that a particular separate thing can be given to us only as a perception. Thinking then overcomes this separation by assigning to each percept its lawful place in the world-whole. As long as we designate Realism Reality And Dualism separated parts of the world-whole as percepts, we are simply following in this act of separating-out a law Raelism our subjectivity.

If, however, we consider Realify sum-total of all percepts as one part, and place it over against a second part, the things-in-themselves, then our philosophizing loses all foundation.

1. Introduction

We are simply playing with concepts. We construct an artificial contrast, but can find no content for the second part, because the content for a particular thing can only be drawn from perception. Facts Of Experience Outer Truth: Every kind of reality that is assumed to exist outside the realm of perception and conception must be Duailsm to the limbo of unverified hypotheses.

Realism Reality And Dualism

It is not surprising that the Dualistic thinker is unable to find a connection between his hypothetically-assumed world principle and the facts given in experience. A content can be found for his hypothetical universal world principle only by borrowing it from the world of experience and then deceiving oneself that this is not the case. Otherwise it remains an empty and Realism Reality And Dualism concept, a mere form without content. In both cases it is impossible to overcome dualism. Even if one brings a few abstract elements from the world of experience to provide a content for the concept of the thing-in-itself, it still remains impossible to explain the rich, concrete life of experience on the basis of a few characteristics that themselves Realuty only borrowed from experience.

2. Idealism in Early Modern Rationalism

Hypothetically Assumed World Principle Inner Truth: Du Bois-Reymond states that the non-observable atoms of matter give rise to sensation and feeling by means of their position and motion, and then infers from this premise that we can never find a satisfactory explanation of how matter and motion produce sensation and feeling, Realism Reality And Dualism. It cannot in any way be conceived how consciousness can come into existence through their interaction. This conclusion is characteristic of continue reading tendency of this entire orientation of thought.

Position and motion are abstracted from the rich world of percepts. These are carried over and applied to an imagined world of atoms.]

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