The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for -

The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for - opinion

The title of this intervention will have a familiar ring among students and scholars of Nigerian poetry. The poet goes on to offer poems which engage the parlous condition of the Niger Delta region. In poem after poem, Ikiriko meditates on the disaster that the exploration and exploitation of oil turned out to be for the hapless region. Historical, political and deeply philosophical, the poems attest to the rape and despoliation the Niger Delta homeland has been subjected to for decades. The crushing poverty, political marginalization and repression also throb on the pages of the collection. The leitmotif is the inversion of a hackneyed saying to killing the goose that lays the golden egg. The Niger Delta has been a plundered territory for centuries. The plunder was inaugurated with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that went on for three hundred years during which a sizable population of the region was shipped as cargoes to the New World. The abolition of slavery bred another monster in imperialism. This time the oil palm resources of the region became the attraction for Europe. The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

Speaking: The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

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LEADERSHIP IS A HUNGER FOR COMPELLING AND Economic on Air Transport Management
The Rights Of Music And How Emily Colonial Nigeria was the era in the History of Nigeria when the region of West Africa was ruled by the United Kingdom from the mid-nineteenth century until when Nigeria achieved independence. British influence in the region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in Britain annexed Lagos in and established the Oil River Protectorate in Capital: Lagos. 3 days ago · This struggle became inevitable because Niger Delta is a dispersal of small ethnic groups which were force together with predatory and dominant majority ethnic groups. This minority question was never addressed before Nigeria got her independence in despite The Henry Commission of that attempted to solve the issue of minority. 19 hours ago · the dilemma of niger delta experience in nigeria the struggle of an indigenous people in the sub saharan west africa clamoring for social environmental and political justice Dec 10, Posted By Dan Brown Public Library TEXT ID Online PDF Ebook Epub Library economic the dilemma of niger delta experience in nigeria the struggle of an indigenous people in the sub saharan .
The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

Abstract- This Teh critically reviewed the prevailing socio- economic trends in the Niger-Delta, Nigeria here concludes consequences of socio-economical disequilibrium, public health and environmental issues due to oil spillage. This region bears on the nations economy but development is skewed to its disfavor owing to the public policies that are frequently in disfavor of the people.

Multinational oil companies explored fossil fuel blandly and thereby curtailed the sustainability of the environment. On the hand, Nigerian government has taken some remarkable steps and employed different methods to mitigate spillages.

The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

Contrarily, studies indicate the failure of the law and weakness of the government to enforce the law catalyzed by corruption. The Niger Delta is an array of geographically contiguous states and convenient political nomenclature for resource allocation and distribution among the aforementioned states [1,2].

Irrespective of the immense relevance this region bears on the nations economy, development is skewed to its disfavor owing to the public policies that are frequently in disfavor of the people. Moreover, oil spillage and environmental degradation characterize this region, obvious Impliations to what is expected of an economic and development engine room. The history of crude oil in the world is well documented. Crude oil has been known for thousands of years, but its relevance and uses were not apparent. It was basically recognized for the fact that it can burn well and was often used for incendiary weapons and hair dressing [3,4].

It was not until the 19th century that crude oil was discovered using modern drilling technology used in the. The technique for processing crude oil in order to produce kerosene for illumination was discovered as early as the 19th century and towards the end of the 19th century, electricity was discovered. Prior to the utilization of crude oil, whale oil was used for illumination, The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for whaling was not Implicatiobs cheap, safe or efficient way of getting fuel.

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On the contrast, crude oil provides cheap and efficient fuel for transportation. The discovery of crude oil and its immense benefits catalyzed development leading to the construction of modern shipping, railways, and roads. This also about diesel engines for trains, big trucks and Struhgles combustion engines using gasoline [3].

Undeniably, the industrial revolution would not be possible without the discovery of crude oil. Crude oil was discovered in Nigeria in by Shell British Petroleum now Royal Dutch Shell at Oloibiri, a village in Bayelsa State, located within the Niger Delta in Https:// and consequently, inthe commercial production of crude oil began [5]. At onset of its discovery, the production of Shell was 51, barrels per day. The quantity doubled in the following year and in 20 years afterthe rate of crude oil production The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for a peak of 2.

Today, 10 international oil companies Delya responsible for crude oil production in Nigeria.

The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

Before the discovery of oil inthe Nigeria's economy was agricultural-centric. Sadly, since oil discovery, attention has been shifted from agriculture and another source of revenue to oil wells [7]. According to Jikethe sequel to the discovery of oil in Nigeria, the country started a novel exploration of this natural resource that raised its citizenry and a great number of people labeled oil as black gold [1]. However, he indicated that time has proved many people wrong in naming oil as black gold. This is because the discovery of oil has not positively affected the general livelihood of the people. Remarkably, NNPC stated that crude oil in Nigeria would maintain its importance probably until its reserves dry up.

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The continued dependence on crude oil by the country has done ofr more harm than good [8]. Nigeria endured a period of an oil boom which was wasted on white elephant projects and irrelevant projects. As a matter of fact, the increased tension in the economy in the recent times is a clear aftermath of the misused oil boom. Indeed, the oil industry located in Niger Delta has contributed immensely to the growth and development of the country.

However, the unsustainable oil exploration practices over the years in this region of the country has rendered it as one of the five most prominent and severe petroleum damaged ecosystems on the globe.

The Niger Delta Struggles Its Implications for

This is made more obvious on considering the fact that the quantity of oil spilled over some 50 years ago in this region was more than 9 13 million barrels. This is equivalent to 50 Exxon Valdez spills.]

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