Work As A Physical Therapist -

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Physical Therapist - What I do \u0026 how much I make - Part 1 - Khan Academy Work As A Physical Therapist.

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Across the country, aching backs, necks and shoulders brought on by COVIDrelated lifestyle changes have sent here people to physical therapists. People are also getting injured when they start new exercise routines because their Physcial gyms closed, or they no longer want to go to them. Like many medical providers, physical therapists saw patient visits drop dramatically in earlywhen the pandemic started. Physical therapists say complaints of neck, shoulder, and upper back pain are more common as patients slump over their computers for hours at a time. Borislav Strahilov, 26, of Rosemont, Ill.

He also decided in the spring to use the time he was saving by not commuting to start working out. He went from doing very little exercise to lifting weights six days a week. After a few months, his upper back Work As A Physical Therapist to hurt.

Work As A Physical Therapist

At one point, it got so bad that he had to sleep in one position all night, without moving, to get any rest. Many workdays now include monitoring remote learning and making sure children are cared for. Even regular patients became harder to treat, he said, "because people Therapit a little more anxious, nervous, stressed out, of how life has changed over the last few months.

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The good news, however, is that many of these lifestyle-related injuries are highly treatable, therapists say. Gauthier, with Athletico, suggests people get up and walk around at least every couple of hours. Before the pandemic, she had minor back pain from an injury years ago, but it was manageable. Her commute included about two miles a day of walking, and she went to the gym most days.

Work As A Physical Therapist

In August she started going to physical therapy twice a week at Athletico to strengthen her muscles. Within a couple sessions, Skowronski started feeling better. She enjoyed physical therapy, saying it was refreshing to get out and do something good for herself during the pandemic.

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As a public service, this article is available for all. Newsday readers support our strong local journalism by subscribing. Print Share fb Share Tweet Email. He started physical therapy in November.]

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