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Our Spring issue is here! This issue introduces our new name, Learning for Justice, and dives deep into the ways that white supremacy manifests in U. Explore and use these resources to support student well-being and learning during school closures, and we will keep this page updated as we publish new pieces. Our work has evolved in the last 30 years, from reducing prejudice to tackling systemic injustice. Learning for Justice Learn more about our new name. Black Lives Matter Week of Action. Black History Month. We know white supremacy is woven into the fabric of American culture and society. In the Spring issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine, we trace some of the threads of white At these three high schools, each named for Robert E.

Islam Religion Of Equality - have kept

The state of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been criticized by Iranians and international human right activists, by writers, and NGOs. The United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Commission [1] have condemned prior and ongoing abuses in Iran in published critiques and several resolutions. The government of Iran is criticized both for restrictions and punishments that follow the Islamic Republic's constitution and law, and for " extrajudicial " actions by state actors that do not, such as the torture, rape, and killing of political prisoners, and the beatings and killings of dissidents and other civilians. Reported abuses falling outside of the laws of the Islamic Republic that have been condemned include the execution of thousands of political prisoners in , and the widespread use of torture to extract repudiations by prisoners of their cause and comrades on video for propaganda purposes. Under the administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Iran's human rights record "has deteriorated markedly," according to Human Rights Watch , [4] and following the election protests there were reports of killing of demonstrators, the torture, rape and killing of detained protesters, [5] [6] and the arrest and publicized mass trials of dozens of prominent opposition figures in which defendants "read confessions that bore every sign of being coerced. Officials of the Islamic Republic have responded to criticism by stating that Iran has "the best human rights record" in the Muslim world; [11] that it is not obliged to follow "the West's interpretation" of human rights; [12] and that the Islamic Republic is a victim of "biased propaganda of enemies" which is "part of a greater plan against the world of Islam ". The Islamic revolution is thought to have a significantly worse human rights record than the Pahlavi Dynasty it overthrew. According to political historian Ervand Abrahamian , "whereas less than political prisoners had been executed between and , more than were executed between and Islam Religion Of Equality. Islam Religion Of Equality

One basic element in the value system of Islam is the principle of equality or equity. This value of equality is not to be mistaken for or confused with identicalness or stereotype.

Islam Religion Of Equality

Islam teaches that in the sight of Allah Almighty, all people are equal, but they are not necessarily identical. There are differences of abilities, potentials, ambitions, wealth and so on. The limitations in these examples are natural.

Islam Religion Of Equality

The social limitations are those imposed by society as a result of experience and practice; in the final analysis, they are intellectual attitudes related to the previously mentioned traits. There is, for instance, the established difference between the ignorant and the learned.

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No one would assign major responsibilities that are crucial to the community to an ignorant person. Yet, none of these differences can by themselves, establish the status of superiority of one man or race over another. The stock of man, the color of his skin, the amount of wealth he has and the degree of prestige he enjoys have no bearing on the character and personality of the individual as far as Allah is concerned. The only distinction, which Allah recognizes is the distinction in piety; the only criterion Relgion Islam Religion Of Equality applies, is the criterion of goodness and spiritual excellence. Indeed the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous.

Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" [Quran ]. This is to assert that in Islam, no nation is created to be above other nations or to rise above them.

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Man's worth in the eyes of men and in the eyes of Allah is determined by the good he does, and by his obedience to Allah. The differences of race, color or social status are only incidental. They do not affect the true stature of man in Islam Religion Of Equality sight of Allah.

Again, the value of equality is not simply a matter of constitutional rights or the agreement of noblemen or condescending charity.]

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