The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty -

The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty - confirm

The Books of the Maccabees or Sefer Hamakabim , Book of the Maccabees , recount the history of the Maccabees , the leaders of the Jewish rebellion against the Seleucid dynasty. The Book of the Maccabees refers to a series of deuterocanonical books contained in various canons of the Bible:. The first two books are considered canonical by the Catholic Church [5] and the Orthodox Church. The books of the First and Second Maccabees offer similar accounts. The authors display notably different literary styles. The narratives are similar. The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty

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But the policy of deliberate Hellenization and suppression of Jewish religious practices by Antiochus IV, The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty a revolt in BC which was led initially by Judah Maccabee and later by his brothers and their descendants. Relying on guerrilla tactics the growing insurrection repeatedly took on the sophisticated might of the Seleucid army with mixed, but generally successful, results, establishing the Maccabees as the Hasmonean Dynasty of rulers over a once-more independent Israel. It is Judah Maccabee's ritual cleansing of the Temple after his victories over the Seleucids that is celebrated by Jews every year at Hannukah. Internal disputes weakened the revived state, however, and it eventually fell victim to the Romans who replaced the Seleucids as the local John D Grainger explains the causes of the revolt and traces the Revotl of the various campaigns of the Maccabees, first against the Seleucids and then the Romans who captured Jerusalem in 63BC and fO the kingdom.

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The last chapters consider the continued Jewish resistance to Roman rule and factional fighting, until the crowning of Herod, marked the end of the Hasmonean dynasty. Use keywords to find the book you are looking for. Advanced Search. Contact Us Disclosure : Military History books are affiliates of the suppliers on this website and will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Dawn of Victory, Thank You China! Veteran Lancs By: Norman Franks.]

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