Making Decisions For An Organization -

Making Decisions For An Organization

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In our personal lives, at work, within teams, and in management in general, a continuing stream of information, data, problems, and opportunities fuel decision making. Lack-of-participation error — occurs when important people are excluded from the decision-making process. When we apply ethical reasoning to decisions made by individuals and teams in organizations, the focus is. It is possible to address a personal, management, or business problem and not properly consider any moral problems. Because moral dilemmas can be difficult to resolve, ethical reasoning helps ensure that the decisions will be made with rigor.

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Making Decisions For An Organization. Making Decisions For An Organization

Importance of Decision making for Organizational Functioning. Organizations with different structures and functioning in different environments are to be managed.

Making Decisions For An Organization

The maximum activity of the management is to make numerous decisions which can be either simple or Dceisions in nature and can have a high or a low impact. Decisions of all types and sizes which range in importance from the ordinary to very crucial are being made on a continuous basis in every organization.

It is very essential that the decisions are effective so that the organization can function in an efficient manner. Organization thrives on the quality and the variety of decisions which have been made over time. High quality and speedy decision-making enhance the performance of an organization. Organization is a social entity, bringing together people who work together source achieve a specific goal. To reach it, it uses decision-making processes, so the organization is a centre of decision-making by excellence. The word decision is hence omnipresent in the life of the organization. It is subject to reflection and debate, since it conditions and shapes the very future of the organization. Decision can be tactical decision or strategic decision.

Effective decisions need a solid understanding of realities and social environment. Organizational Making Decisions For An Organization is confronted with various decisions to make on a daily basis. Some are small and have minor consequence, while others are big with a huge implication on the functioning of the organization. Daft expands this definition further by looking at the two stages of decision making namely i problem Making Decisions For An Organization, and ii problem solution.

In the problem identification stage, information about the external and internal environmental conditions are monitored to determine if the organizational performance is satisfactory and to diagnose the cause of any shortcomings. The problem solution stage occurs when alternative courses of action are considered, and the best alternative is selected and implemented.

Decision making is a fundamental activity of the management. It is one of the most important, if not the most important, of all management activities. The decision making role is the heart of the executive activities of the management.

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The quality of the decisions and the way these are been made is highly dependent on the organizational management. Decisions reflect the success and failure of the management and the rise or decline of the organization mainly Making Decisions For An Organization upon the quality of decisions being made. Making Decisions For An Organization is the management which sets the decision making process in motion and decides its direction and speed. The decisions decide the organizational strategies, and have a strong reflection of the way it operates. In fact, decisions being made are the barometer of the health of the organizational culture.

Accordingly, successful decision making enables the organization to maintain competitive position, align internal operations with external environment and survive threats and challenges, while conversely, because of their magnitude, a single, poorly made decision can lead to the speedy deterioration of the organization and result in corporate embarrassment, large economic losses for stakeholders or even bankruptcy. There are decisions of all kinds such as financing decisions, investment decisions, or operating decisions etc. Decisions are mainly classified into three types according to the purpose of the decision or according to the importance of the problem.

These are strategic decisions, tactical decisions, and operational decisions. The strategic decision is normally taken by the top management. It concerns the main axes of development of the organization, and the relations of the organization with the external environment. This type of decision determines the future of the organization by setting the fundamental orientations which commit it in the long term.]

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