How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values -

How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values

The ethos, mission statement, aims and values of a school will highlight the areas they feel are important in school life and their goals for what they want the pupils and the school to achieve. I will take each one separately and explain what the term means whilst giving examples of how I see they are reflected in the everyday life of the school setting I am in.

The ethos of a school is reflected in how the pupils relate to each other and how the staff and pupils communicate together.

An exceptionally friendly school, Crosfields emphasises manners, kindness and good behaviour.

In my setting I could clearly state that respectful, friendly and caring staff and pupils play an important part in the ethos of the school. The ethos could be a statement of what the school is all about. This is evident in the very good behaviour of the children and the respectful, supportive relationships that exist at all levels.

This is shown on a daily basis within the classroom and playground; the children have a respect for each other and the staff because respect is modelled, rules are generally abided by and as it is a community school there is certainly a read more feel. I love how they have not specified what contribution it is, simply that the child contributes in any way it can to the school.

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A mission statement is really the overall intention that the school has and will normally be set by the Board of Governors and the principal. An example of the mission statement being brought into practice is the awards which are given out on a monthly basis.

How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values

Many schools will focus on academic achievement alone which leaves those who less academic feeling discouraged. This school awards children for many different reasons, academic achievement is only one; recently a girl from the p4 class received an award because she was a great help one of the younger children in the playground when an incident occurred.

She showed a caring and thoughtful manner and was rewarded for it. The aims of a school are the goals which they hope to achieve, these can be set by the principal with input from staff members and possibly representatives from the community and the children can have an input as well.

How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values

Their needs and indeed wants within reason, were taken into consideration when planning play areas. This here showing that the principal and the teachers are trying to help the children reach their full potential by listening to their views.

The values of a school will be set out in different ways and it is a way for a school to show what their enduring beliefs or ideals are. It will highlight what the school views as desirable and what is undesirable.

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The setting I am in has very close links to the local churches. They use the hall facilities for sports day, nativity plays and weekly for P. The assemblies which are held weekly will usually be taken by members of the local churches 3. It is safe Etos say that the children enjoy learning through assembly as well; recently we had a full morning on the subject of safeguarding where lots of the children got involved in open discussions about what is right and wrong in regards to their own safety within school and at home.

How The Ethos Mission Aims And Values

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