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The page reportissued Wednesday by the Office of Special Counsel, found that the Department of Health and Human Services diverted millions of taxpayer dollars intended for BARDA to finance vaccine research and pandemic preparedness into other activities, and failed to inform Congress — a potential violation of federal law. Among the unrelated activities Public Health the removal of office furniture, administrative expenses, news subscriptions, legal services and the salaries of other department employees.

Public health is personal.

The report focuses on the actions Public Health the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, the health department official who oversees BARDA and is responsible for its budget. The assistant secretary is responsible for leading the federal response to pandemic threats like the novel coronavirus.

Public Health

Its most recent occupant was Dr. Robert Kadlec; President Biden has not named a successor. Kerner, the special counsel, wrote Public Health a letter to Mr. Biden, using the acronym for the assistant secretary for preparedness and response.

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The report does not specifically say how much money was misappropriated. It Public Health suggests a senator, Richard M. Burr, Republican of North Carolina, who wrote the legislation that created BARDA and is considered its champion in Congress, became involved in internal funding disputes. It operated in relative obscurity until April, when Dr.

Kadlec fired its director, Dr. Rick Bright.

Public Health

Bright said then that he was removed from his post and reassigned to a narrower job Public Health the National Institutes of Health after he pressed for rigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, an antimalaria drug embraced by President Donald J. Days later, he filed a whistle-blower complaint with the Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal watchdog agency. He has since left the federal government, and most recently advised Mr. Biden on the coronavirus during the transition. But the report issued Wednesday is Public Health in response to Dr. Rather, it covers both the Obama and Trump administrations, and grew out of an investigation into a complaint from an unnamed whistle-blower whose allegations primarily concerned Dr. Nicole Lurie. The whistle-blower Hwalth Dr. Both Dr.]

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