Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore -

Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore Video

Globalization in Singapore

Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore - can

Sri Sri : To myself! In prayer the mind goes to its source, the Self. God, Guru, and the Self are the same. National Website Menu. Programs Happiness. Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore

As a boy growing up in Plateau, Nigeria, I knew peace. I knew I had to find a place to hide, otherwise I was going to be killed too. The demographics of our community began to change, and the Islamic population grew and began to violently enforce change according to Sharia law.

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What started out as several minor attacks on Christians here and there, eventually grew into a statewide attack inkilling thousands of people. Hundreds of churches were also attacked and burned with masses of people inside, including my own.

Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore

They shut up the doors and windows and set fire to the building. I lost many loved ones, including friends and people I played with on the worship team. My mom was at work at the time, my sister was at school, and my father and brothers happened to be home that day. So, fortunately their lives were spared. When I witnessed the attack on my church, I began my escape. My thought was to cross over to the other side of town where there were mostly Christians. But I saw people getting caught. So, I went into a sewage area where Singa;ore sewage passed through. I lifted a cement slab and went under it to hide.

Globalisation Is a Blessing for Singapore

I thought, if I can stay here until dark, then I can come out and keep running. And that is what I did for several days.

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I was caught with some other guys. The military man who found us beat us to the point that I thought I was going to die. Then he called us one by one, asking us to run, shooting us down one source a time. He called the next person and the next…Then he got to me. I remembered all these Bible stories flashing through my mind.]

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