Community Outreach -

Community Outreach - was mistake

When you start talking to people about their values and vision for the future, it can get emotional. These conversations can unearth deep community divides or fears. Good facilitation also uncovers common values and common ground that can point to a way forward. Outreach works best when you foster conversations that encourage people to voice their concerns and ideas, engages all participants in collective knowledge sharing about what is, and what is possible, in their community. Renaissance knows how to orchestrate effective community outreach to engender a sense of ownership for the planning process from all members of the community. We also know how to design outreach efforts to find common ground that can serve as the foundation for a new vision, plan or set of actions. Community Outreach. Go Back.

Community Outreach Video

How to build a Community Outreach program Beyond Basics Community Outreach Community Outreach Community Outreach

Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. The Brownsburg Fire Territory does much more Community Outreach respond to emergency calls. We offer many community resources that allow us to serve in extraordinary ways!

Community Outreach

Scheduling station tours, safety talks, and public education requests require two-week advance notice. The fire crews are still in-service during these Community Outreach and may not be available due to emergency call volumes. Please keep this in mind when scheduling with the Brownsburg Fire Territory. The Brownsburg Fire Territory is committed to the community and believes in the power of prevention and education by offering a wide range of services. We aim to reduce life and property loss in our community. We do this by Community Outreach the community in injury prevention techniques offered by the Brownsburg Fire Territory. Click the buttons below to learn more about the resources we offer.

As a firm with a purpose, we’re in the business of creating change

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Community Outreach

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