Essay On Love And Respect - something
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"Off-beat Zen" by Tim Lott
A world in which authenticity, transparency, and respect are the ground from which we live. But in order to be free of ego, we are required to face the fear that drives the panic of our minds and poisons the blood in our veins. And this is the task of a warrior — one who can stand as openness in the midst of darkness, one who can walk as presence in the midst of devastation. Is this too much to ask of ourselves, is this beyond our reach as ordinary human beings? It is nothing more and Essay On Love And Respect less than the harnessing of our birthright of freedom and our true sovereignty of love. So why does it seem such an insurmountable task — to see things from the infinity of the heart and not from the myopia of the ego, to meet life with a smile in all circumstances and not with a clenched fist, to stay true to the depth of our innermost and not flap about on the surface?
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And now it is Onn falling apart, the weight of the matrix is unsustainable — something needs to break, to break open and reveal the raw truth of what lies beneath the Essay On Love And Respect of erroneous thinking.
Here is the grandest opportunity to see that fear is nothing but a fabrication of a mind that gallops into an imaginary future, to come face to face with the Essay On Love And Respect realization that the ego cannot rest in the brightness of this present moment, to perhaps finally fall into the great unknown and just hang out there for a while without coming to a conclusion.
To turn allegiance away from the mirage of fear is a mark of the warrior — there is Esway attempt to destroy fear, for there actually is no enemy. Fear is just a ghost, an ephemeral thought spun around so many times that it becomes an energetic mass held in the physical and auric field. And all you are required to do is turn away, to give it no more power of your attention — and it will shrivel up and disappear into the emptiness from which it came, just like a article source cloud dissolving into the vast openness of the sky.
And the hallmark of a warrior is freedom — the freedom of being unattached to outcome, the freedom to be untethered from identity, the freedom to be informed by a deeper intelligence than thought.

A warrior stands in the light of being, always. The light of being is the open awareness that is a constant throughout all risings and fallings of thought, all risings and fallings of emotion, and all risings eRspect fallings of empires. In this open awareness, love reveals itself as the true foundation of click we are.

And from Live love, right action arises. Can we train to be this warrior? The training is a gradual turning of allegiance towards the presence that is deeper than any narrative or thought, a gradual erosion of ego-self that allows us to fall open into the light of being, a gradual emergence of our true inner sovereignty. Can we wait to be this warrior? Spiritual Teachers Love.
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Jan 28 Written By artistica icloud. Yes, the time is now. Warrior of Love Amoda Maa.]
Excellent idea