Deng Xiaoping -

Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping - really

Geboren in der Provinz Sichuan , war Deng unter den ersten chinesischen Arbeiter-Studenten, die nach Frankreich kamen. Hier litt Deng unter den schlechten Lebensbedingungen und schloss sich der Kommunistischen Partei an. Nach Fengs Bruch mit den Kommunisten bekam Deng die Aufgabe, ein kommunistisches Basisgebiet in Guangxi zu errichten, scheiterte jedoch. Zusammen mit Liu Bocheng kommandierte er mehrere entscheidende Operationen der Im Jahre verlor er diese ein drittes Mal. Deng Xiaoping wurde am August Tag des 7. Die Vorfahren von Deng Xiaoping waren im Jahrhundert aus Jiangxi nach Sichuan eingewandert. Deng Xiaoping

After Chairman Mao Zedong 's death inDeng gradually rose to power and led China through a series of far-reaching market-economy reformswhich earned him the reputation as the "Architect of Modern China".

Deng Xiaoping

Born into an educated land-owning family in Sichuan provinceDeng studied and worked in France in the s, where he became a follower of Marxism—Leninism. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in Upon returning to China, Deng Xiaoping joined the party organization in Shanghai, becoming a political commissar for the Red Army in rural regions.

Inhe was demoted within the party due to his support of Mao Zedong, but was promoted again during the Zunyi Conference.

Deng Xiaoping

By the late s, Deng was considered a "revolutionary veteran" because he participated in the Long March. Following the founding of the People's Republic of China inDeng worked in Tibet as well as in southwest China to consolidate Communist control.

Deng Xiaoping

As the party's Secretary-general in the s, Deng presided over the Anti-Rightist Campaign launched by Mao and became instrumental in China's economic here following the Great Leap Forward — However, his Deg policies caused him to fall out of favor with Mao so he was Deng Xiaoping twice during the Cultural Revolution.

Following Mao Deng Xiaoping death inDeng outmaneuvered the late chairman's chosen successor Hua Guofeng and became the de facto leader of China in December Inheriting a country beset with social conflict, disenchantment with the Communist Party and institutional disorder resulting from the chaotic policies of the Mao eraDeng started the " Boluan Fanzheng " program which brought the country back to order.


From to earlyDeng Xiaoping resumed Xiaooing National College Entrance Examination program that had been interrupted by the Cultural Revolution, initiated the historic Reform and Opening-up of Chinaand started a one-month Sino-Vietnamese War. In Augusthe started China's political reforms by setting term limits for officials and proposing a systematic revision of China's third Constitution which was made under Hua Guofeng; the new Constitution embodied Chinese-style constitutionalism and was passed by the Deng Xiaoping People's Congress in Decemberwith most of its content still being effective as of today. In the s, Deng supported the family planning policy to cope with China's overpopulation crisisDeng Xiaoping establish China's nine-year compulsory educationand launched the Program for science and technology. During his leadership, he was characterized as "the architect" of a new brand of thinking combining socialist ideology with free enterprisedubbed " socialism with Chinese characteristics ".

He opened China to foreign investment and the global market, policies that are credited with developing China into one of the fastest-growing economies in the world for several generations and raising click here standard of living of Xiaoing of millions. Deng was the Time Person of the Deng Xiaoping in andthe third Chinese leader and the fourth time for a communist leader to be selected.]

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