Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown -

Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown

Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown Video

Chernobyl: The World's Worst Nuclear Disaster - Facts \u0026 Overview of Accidents Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown

A soft snow fell as a clutch of visitors equipped with a Geiger counter wandered through the ghostly Ukrainian town of Pripyat, frozen in time since the world's worst nuclear accident in More than three decades after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster forced thousands to evacuate, there is an influx of visitors to the area that has spurred officials to seek official status from UNESCO.

Officials hope recognition from the UN's culture agency will boost the site as a tourist attraction and in turn bolster efforts to preserve ageing buildings nearby.

Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown

The explosion in the fourth reactor at the nuclear power plant in April left swathes of Ukraine and neighbouring Belarus badly contaminated and led to the creation of the exclusion zone roughly the size of Luxembourg. Ukrainian authorities say it may not be safe for humans to live in the exclusion zone for another 24, years. Meanwhile, it has become a haven for wildlife with elk and deer roaming nearby forests. Dozens of villages and towns populated by hundreds of thousands of people were abandoned after the disaster, yet more Chernoobyl elderly Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown live in the area despite the radiation threat. In Pripyat, a click town kilometres away from the Chernobyl plant, rooms in eerie residential blocks Nucler piled up with belongings of former residents. Polivko said he hoped the upgraded status would encourage officials to act more "responsibly" to preserve the crumbling Soviet-era infrastructure surrounding the plant.

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It was a sentiment echoed by Ukrainian Continue reading Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko, who described the recent influx of tourists from home and abroad as evidence of Chernobyl's importance "not only to Ukrainians, but of all mankind. A record number of Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown, tourists visited last year, includingforeigners following the release of the hugely popular Chernobyl television series in Tkachenko said obtaining UNESCO status could promote the exclusion zone as "a place of memory" that would warn against a repeat nuclear disaster. The government is set to propose specific objects in the zone as a heritage site before March but a final decision could come as late as After the explosion inthe three other reactors at Chernobyl continued to generate electricity until the station finally closed in Ukraine will mark the 20th anniversary of the closure on December Tkachenko said the effort to secure UNESCO status was a new priority after work on a giant protective dome over the fourth reactor was completed in With the site now safe for one hundred years, he said he hoped Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown heritage status would boost visitor numbers to one million a year.

It's a figure that would require an overhaul of the local infrastructure and overwhelm a lone souvenir kiosk on the site selling trinkets such as mugs and clothing adorned with nuclear fallout signs.

Ukraine seeks World Heritage status for Chernobyl zone. Chernobyl was the site of the world's worst nuclear accident in The influx of visitors has spurred officials to seek official status from UNESCO They hope subsequent recognition will boost the site a tourist attraction It may not be safe for humans to live in the exclusion zone for another 24, years, officials say.

Chernobyl Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown

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