Challenging The Legal Drinking Age -

Challenging The Legal Drinking Age Video

Should We Lower The Drinking Age? Challenging The Legal Drinking Age Challenging The Legal Drinking Age

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My guest today is long-time friend Joe Jackowski on today's episode. It was mostly us catching up as with the pandemic.

Challenging The Legal Drinking Age

We have not had a lot of time interacting with each other cause he still is living near the University of Michigan. So this was when he was home for the Christmas break, roughly.

Challenging The Legal Drinking Age

We got to catch up on what we're reading and thinking about recently. Much of this conversation is around—both of their bodies of work and what he's been reading on their different writings or ponderings. We get into different ideas about how humanity has built systems for itself and how. The systems elaborate over time, starting very simple and archaic to us now, modern people.

Challenging The Legal Drinking Age

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