The History Of African Music - can consult
Though a free-wheeling offer celebrating a century of Black music is definitely the thing to do. Cole — from gospel, to hip hop, to jazz, to blues — and all points in between. Open in Spotify. As is our wont here on Mondays, this playlist is hours long and will take you on a journey of classics and deep cuts. I hope you all enjoy it. The History Of African MusicSearch Submit. The artistic inventions of people who have been held in subservience to a supposed master-race for about half a millennium are constantly under question and that should surprise neither students of history nor everyday individuals.
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Jazz is however one of those artistic inventions where the question of authorship has been put to a dreamless rest for a while now. Thousands of academic and journalistic writings have all taken from historical scholarship that has concluded that jazz is the making of newly-freed Black people in the 20th-century United States. In spite of this, very few people have an idea of why we call it jazz. Or why it even sounds the way it does. As with most things, the content is concretized before a name is settled upon.

But in comparison to other western contemporary musical traditions, jazz is unique not only because it is of Black generation but because of its name too. It should not be problematic to say jazz is western music if the biggest goal of 20th-century humanities has been the philosophization of global humanity through studies of archeology, anthropology, numismatics, law, art, etc.
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We do ourselves no favors denying that the sound is western as much as it has roots in the musical HHistory of West Africa. But how did we come by the name? The earliest usage of the term in reference to a music style was in in a piece by the Chicago Sunday Tribune.

Jazz was mentioned ten times in the piece that described a spirited entertainment scene. In one paragraph, the writer reported the words of one of the musicians in the description Mudic this genre:. A blue note is a sour note. The blues are never written into music, but are interpolated by the piano player or other players.]
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