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Literature Reflecting Religious and Political Ideals Video
LITERATURE - Virginia WoolfLiterature Reflecting Religious and Political Ideals - risk
Keep library resources close at hand from your browser or personalized Web page. Add the world's libraries to your mobile and FB apps. Get citations of library materials in five common styles, and export them to a variety of formats including EndNote, Reference Manager and RefWorks. How to use WorldCat citations YouTube. University of Washington Libraries.Formerly known as the Golden Age of Athensthe later part being the Age of Periclesit was buoyed by political hegemonyeconomic growth and cultural flourishing. The period began in BC, after the defeat of the Persian invasion, when an This web page coalition of city-states, known as the Delian Leagueconfronted the Persians to keep the liberated Asian Greek cities free.
After peace was made with Persia in the mid-5th century BC, what started as an alliance of independent city-states Literature Reflecting Religious and Political Ideals an Athenian empire after Athens abandoned the pretense of parity among its allies and relocated the Delian League treasury from Delos to Athenswhere it funded the building of the Athenian Acropolisput half its population on the public payroll, and maintained its position as the dominant naval power in the Greek world.
With the empire's funds, military dominance and its political fortunes guided by statesman and orator PericlesAthens produced some of the most influential and enduring cultural artifacts of the Western tradition. The playwrights AeschylusSophocles and Euripides all lived and worked in 5th-century BC Athens, as did the historians Herodotus and Thucydidesthe physician Hippocrates and the philosophers Plato and Socrates. Athens's patron goddess was Athenafrom whom it derived the Literature Reflecting Religious and Political Ideals.
During the golden age, Athenian military and external affairs were mostly entrusted to the ten generals who were elected each year by the ten tribes of citizens, who could be relied on rather than the variable-quality magistrates chosen by lot under the democracy. These strategoi were given duties which included planning military expeditions, receiving envoys of other states and directing diplomatic affairs.
During the time of the ascendancy of Ephialtes as leader of the democratic faction, Pericles was his deputy. When Ephialtes was assassinated for overthrowing the elitist Council of the Aeropagus, Pericles stepped in and was elected in BC, a post he held continuously until his death in BC, always by election of the Athenian Assembly. Pericles was a great speaker ; this quality brought him tremendous success in the Assembly, presenting his vision of politics. One of his most popular reforms was to allow thetes Athenians without wealth to occupy public office.
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This way, these citizens were able to dedicate themselves to public service without facing financial hardship. With this system, Pericles succeeded in keeping the courts full of jurors Ath. As Athens' ruler, he made the city the first and most important polis of the Greek world, acquiring a resplendent culture and democratic institutions. The sovereign people governed themselves, without intermediaries, deciding matters of state in the Assembly.

Athenian citizens were free and only owed obedience to their laws and respect to their gods. They achieved equality of speech in the Assembly: Literature Reflecting Religious and Political Ideals word of a poor person had the same worth as that of a rich person. The censorial classes did not disappear, but their power was more limited; they shared the fiscal and military offices but they did not have the power of distributing privileges. The principle of equality granted to Poliitical citizens had dangers since many citizens were incapable of exercising political rights due to their extreme poverty or ignorance.
To avoid this, Athenian democracy applied itself to the task of helping the poorest in this manner:. Most importantly, and in order to emphasize the concept of equality and discourage corruption and patronage, practically all public offices that did not require a particular expertise were appointed by lot and not by election.
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Among those selected by lot to a political body, specific office was always rotated so that every single member served in all capacities in turn. This was meant to ensure that political functions were instituted in such a way as to run smoothly, regardless of each official's individual capacity. These measures appear to have been carried out in great measure since the testimony has come to us from, among others, the Greek historian Thucydides c. The magistrates were people who occupied a public post and formed the administration of the Athenian state. They were submitted to rigorous public control. The magistrates were chosen by lot, using fava beans.]

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