The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh -

The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh Video

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Crash Course World Mythology #26 The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh

The story of Gilgamesh survives as the oldest epic in literature because it was preserved by rival societies in ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerian story of this king of Uruk modern day Warka in Iraqwho reigned around approximately B. The version of the epic presented here is a compilation of the Standard Version which contains gaps where the tablets are damaged and a variety of Eppic, Babylonian, and Hittite versions that were discovered later.


In the story, Gilgamesh who is two-thirds divine and one-third human, a marvel of modern genetics initially befriends Enkidu also engineered by the gods and then goes on a quest for immortality when he realizes that even semi-divine beings must die. Kept in the library of the Assyrian King Assurbanipal, the twelve clay tablets with the Standard Version were accidentally saved when, during the sack of Nineveh in B. Archeologists discovered the eleventh tablet in the mids, which contains an account of the flood story that pre-dates the written version of the Biblical account of Noah, leading to the recovery of all twelve tablets, plus additional fragments.

The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Inin Warka, they found what is believed to be the tomb of Gilgamesh himself. Campbell Thompson and one Gilgamseh William Muss-Arnolt. I have made changes freely to those texts in the interests of readability: accepting many suggested additions, deleting others, altering word choice, adding some punctuation, and eliminating some of the more archaic language.

The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh

By combining the two translations, the resulting text is as complete as I can make it at this point; the Thompson translation in particular draws on many fragments from Assyrian, Babylonian, and Hittite tablets that have been found after the Standard Version was discovered. He who has discovered the heart of all matters, let him teach the nation; He who all knowledge possesses should teach all the Tje He shall impart his wisdom, and so they shall share it together.

The Epic Of Gilgamesh Literature

Gilgamesh—he was the Master of wisdom, with knowledge of all things; He discovered concealed secrets, handed down a story of times before the flood, 5 Went on a journey far away, returned all weary and worn with his toiling, Engraved on a table of stone his story. He it was who built the ramparts of Uruk, the high-walled, And he it was who set the foundation. As solid as brass, of Eanna, the sacred temple of Anu and Ishtar, 10 Strengthened its base, its threshold Two-thirds of Gilgamesh are divine, and one-third of him human The death of the previous king creates panic in the city, described below.

The she-asses have trampled down their foals; The cows in madness turn upon their calves. And as the cattle were frightened, so were the people.

The Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh

The gods of Uruk, the strong-walled, Assume the shape of flies and buzz about the streets.]

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