The Adversarial Nature Of The Australian Court -

The Adversarial Nature Of The Australian Court - apologise

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias cannot be eliminated entirely, but it can be managed, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills. Confirmation bias is a broad construct covering a number of explanations. Biased search for information, biased interpretation of this information, and biased memory recall, have been invoked to explain four specific effects: 1 attitude polarization when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence ; 2 belief perseverance when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false ; 3 the irrational primacy effect a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series ; and 4 illusory correlation when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations. A series of psychological experiments in the s suggested that people are biased toward confirming their existing beliefs. Later work re-interpreted these results as a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives myside bias , an alternative name for confirmation bias. In general, current explanations for the observed biases reveal the limited human capacity to process the complete set of information available, leading to a failure to investigate in a neutral, scientific way. Flawed decisions due to confirmation bias have been found in political, organizational, financial and scientific contexts. These biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. The Adversarial Nature Of The Australian Court

The differences are set out below:. The interaction of courts, experts, media and an unusual event Adversatial a tragedy for a family into a nightmare. They are 'Superior courts with a record of general jurisdiction'. This means:. The Supreme Court deals with article source serious matters. In the criminal domain, this usually means serious offence like murder, treason or rape. In the Civil domain, it means matters which are outside the jurisdiction of the lesser courts. They are below the Supreme Courts and their jurisdiction is limited by their enabling act.

In criminal cases, there are usually a number of offences which are expressly outside jurisdiction of the intermediate court ie murder.


Their jurisdiction is limited by statute, and they usually deal with low level matters. Local courts deal with:. A court exercises judicial power, and is headed by a judge or magistrate. Federal courts have defined and limited jurisdiction. However, federal courts also have accrued jurisdictionwhich means that the federal courts can also decide on matters outside of federal jurisdiction if they are closely related with matters which are in the federal jurisdiction so, if a case has both federal and non-federal matters closely related, the federal courts may hear it.

The federal courts of Australia are detailed below. It is a superior The Adversarial Nature Of The Australian Court of record with the same power to punish for contempt as the supreme court with the law for all jurisdictions. It deals with matters of federal importance, such as:. The Click Court is also the highest point of appeal. There is no 'right' of appeal to the High Court, rather appeals take place only when there is special leave permission by the court. Leave is given when there is a question of law which is of public importance or where it is necessary to resolve the differences of opinion between the lower courts. Its jurisdiction extends to matters such as:.

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It extends to matters such as:. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether a court has jurisdiction to determine the matter. The main barrier to accessing justice include is the cost of legal aid. Another important barrier is the culture and language of the courts.

We examine it in detail:. There is some recognition of a right to an interpreter in Australia, but generally it is up to the judge to decide:. Witnesses have Advdrsarial less of a right to an interpreter. The judge decides entirely on his own whether an interpreter is needed to ensure that evidence is fairly and fully presented before the court.

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There is obviously a problem with judges being the ones who determine whether a person gets an interpreter - judges are not proficient in assessing how well someone speaks English, and it can be hard for them to determine whether an interpreter is needed. Research shows Naature the majority of adult migrants do not possess the level of proficiency needed to properly communicate in a court room, and that judges often overestimate their language abilities. This means that interpreters are needed. However, there are also problems with interpreters:.]

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