The Basic Foundations That Makes A Team - really
The annual Terry Fox Run has become a fall tradition in Canada, with more than communities, big and small, urban and rural, English and French, fundraising for cancer research. The Run gives communities the chance to come together to celebrate the impact they can have as a force for good. Every fall, more than 3. Terry Fox chose to live a life of action, a life of change, a life of purpose. The Foundation is a leading national investor in cancer research, funding projects that span a wide variety of cancer sites. The Terry Fox Research Institute functions as its research arm, seeking to improve the outcomes of cancer research through a collaborative, team-oriented, milestone-based approach. When people think of a Terry Fox event, they think of the Run. But more and more we are seeing other fundraising events hosted to support cancer research. The Basic Foundations That Makes A TeamLike Roger Federer hitting millions of tennis balls against a wall for over 30 years, investing in and maintaining world class basics are the foundation to success, and high performers know that to ignore this, is to self-sabotage. Well, like any athlete or musician trains, you need high quality repetition of the basics to create unshakeable, world class foundations.
Now is the time to set up your year ahead by respecting and heavily investing in the quality of your basics. Create and entrench meaningful structures, routines, habits and read more while you are fresh and energised post-holiday period. Do it mindfully, with full awareness and intention. The longer you can maintain your focus on doing the little things right, over and over again, the stronger your fundamentals will become and the better your performance under pressure this year will be. When there is greater clarity and alignment around the values, visions and goals of an organisation or team, individuals thrive!

Take the time now to understand where your industry is at, what it needs, and particularly how your organisation plans to succeed. With clarity you can be more purposeful, accountable and focused on delivering. From here you need to setup and communicate your boundaries, put structures in The Basic Foundations That Makes A Team and get your operating rhythms down to allow you to achieve your individual goals and support the realisation of broader business goals.
Where will you be spending your time, how will your diary support this, how will you team and what will you delegate, how long should meetings be and will they have clear purpose and always finish with actions to drive priorities forward? If you are consistent, organised and focused, you can then Thta others to be more engaged and better prepared so they too can understand what is needed to create quality outcomes.

Put thought and effort into the energy, engagement and passion you are bringing to every interaction! This is your personal and professional self, and it is extremely powerful, so be conscious and deliberate with it. Set up mental triggers, such as each time you join a new meeting you will come in with a clear head, high energy and a positive presence.
Or if a situation is bringing negativity Makea an environment, then you be the person that challenges everyone to reset and look for ways to problem solve differently. Hone your zone!
Learn on your own schedule
The bar The Basic Foundations That Makes A Team always rising, so keep trying to become a master of your craft considering all the necessary attributes of your role - technical, practical, leadership, emotional, social, wellbeing, etc. For example, wellbeing is quickly becoming treated as a business-critical skill that can be improved through training and development [ 1 ], just like sales and negotiation skills, so if The Basic Foundations That Makes A Team need to update or add some complimentary skills, then set a goal and go get them.
Strategic learners observe, they experiment, and then they reflect. Learning requires risk taking, being open to trial and error and seeking feedback. Insights come from pushing outside your comfort zone, actively planning and then reviewing. Make a professional habit of inciting curiosity and asking questions, find ways to bring people together and open up conversations, encourage diverse and creative problem solving. Many of us are transitioning back to a traditional workforce setting at least part-timeand with that comes new disruptors and distractions.
Spend time now to consider Fooundations you work most effectively and brainstorm what typically causes you to lose focus. Consider all factors and Bqsic how they might steal your time and pull your attention, then setup appropriate mitigation strategies! If you labour on certain tasks, then work in short focused bursts offset by effective energising micro-breaks. Know yourself and better control how you work to be more efficient and effective.
High Performers know how to recharge their Flundations and reset their mindset, in both a micro and macro fashion. On the playing field or in the boardroom, high performance depends as much on how people renew and recover energy as on how they expend it, on how they manage their lives as much as on how they manage their work. When people feel strong and resilient — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — they perform better, with more passion, for longer. They win, their families win, and the corporations that employ them win [ 2 ]. So take the time to think about your life and then plan your transitions to maximise your ability to decompress, recover and adopt the right mindset for what is ahead of us. I cannot undersell the value of always having mentors and support structures in place.
When life gets tough which it often doesscrambling for support, advice and guidance is the last thing you want to be doing. High performers prioritise and invest time in fostering their relationships with mentors or coaches over Flundations. Mentor relationships will all be different and come from inside as well as outside your organisation or industry.
Become Microsoft certified
Having a strong circle of connections that you regularly connect with, also has a direct positive impact on your resilience and mental wellbeing — all the more reason to prioritise this now! We can take a lot of things for granted when it comes to our professionalism, and having strong fundamentals is no exception to this. Only when you expand your awareness, to focus on the quality of what you do as well as how you Foundahions it, will you unlock repeatable, sustainable success.]
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