Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic -

Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic Video

Plagiarism and its consequences Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic.

Researchers create knowledge while the teachers disseminate it through classroom teaching. We know the very example of Isaac Newton when the apple falls on his head; he started the question with why and how?

Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic

He searched for the truth, reasons to discover a new knowledge. He applied commonsense in his enquiry. The continuous search resulted in solving his problem.

Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic

Without authentic research, no nation can improve its education and enhance development globally competitive. If we look at the development of Japan, Korea, China and some other countries in Asia, we will find that the secret of their sustainable development is their quality of education and research.

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It is the opinion of experts that the quality of research hardly meets the standard in Bangladesh for diverse reasons. In Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic, huge number of frauds purchases PhD certificates in the name of online or distance learning. Some foreign private universities including Indian private institutions are selling fake PhD certificates to Bangladeshi perpetrators. Those deceivers have been Pllagiarism the highly prestigious and dignified academic designation before their name with a view to cheating others and gaining unfair benefit.

The aim of any research is to solve the problems of education or specific sector. But, how far the objectives of the academic research are achieved in Bangladesh cannot be ascertained. There are huge debates and controversies in the academic field whether the minimum standard or quality are maintained in conducting any empirical link at individual or institutional levels.

In Bangladesh, researchers do not want to study hard to design their own research methodology. The interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistics is beyond their research knowledge. As a result, many of our researchers follow the path of dishonesty, and apply the methods of plagiarism, flattery, cut- and-paste method, and mischievous strategies to achieve their goals. In recent time, some teachers of Dhaka University are accused of direct plagiarism of pages after pages in their paper. In Acadenic enquiry, the probe body found the evidence of huge plagiarism in their works.

Finally, after long days of inquiry the teachers have been demoted to Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic position on charge of plagiarism in their research paper and thesis. A female Associate Professor of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism has been demoted to Assistant professor; a teacher of the Department of Criminology has been lowered to lecturer; and another teacher from the department of the Islamic History and Culture is demoted to lecturer.

But, this punishment is not Plagixrism. Teaching is not like other professions; they are the role models to their students. Prior to the plagiarism cases in Dhaka University, in a teacher of Jagannath University JnU has been sacked from the service because of his plagiarism from a foreign paper.

We must take academic plagiarism seriously

These are not the only cases of plagiarism. These are the few examples of plagiarism by the university teachers in Bangladesh. If it is investigated in wide range, hundreds of thousands of cases would be revealed in our public, private universities, and colleges.

Plagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic

For academic and certificate oriented research, Plafiarism as MPhil and PhD, many researchers are found spending huge time by flattering their supervisor instead of concentrating their efforts to their study to explore the best outcome from their research.

Supervisors often complain that researchers do not want to study hard, rather they try to exploit them; ignore their guidance; consequently, they are lost in the middle of the research; and finally they blame the supervisor of non-cooperation.]

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