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Operation Management on Ikea

Operation Management on Ikea Video

How IKEA drives innovation in the supply chain Operation Management on Ikea

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Operation Management on Ikea

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Role Of Leader Importance of operational management in IKEA. Key outside factors that can have effect on the operations of IKEA Impact on decision making process of IKEA Its products include home appliances, kitchen appliances and other goods and some occasional home services. It is the one of the largest furniture retailer in the world. In this topic we will study the differences between leaders and mangers, their roles and characteristics.

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We will also study about various leadership styles like situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency leadership. This study will also lay emphasis on the different approaches of operations management, importance of operations management in the IKEA store, outside factors that effect the operations management of IKEA and hoe these outside factors will impact the decision making of store manager. Scenario 1 a Differences and similarities between a leader and manger considering their roles Operation Management on Ikea characteristics. Leaders and the managers are the vital part of the organisation as they help in creating the vision, set directions, inspires the team, focus on the functions.

They help in organising the work as per their abilities and skills.

But there are some common similarities and differences as per their role which are discussed below. Similarities: leaders and the managers of IKEA have some common similarities as per their roles and characteristics like both of them have to supervise a certain group of people or a team which are led by them. Both of them have to critically evaluate their employees as article source their performance. Both leaders and the managers are accountable for the results which are achieved through their teams or Operation Management on Ikea Ferguson and et. Both use different metrics and procedures to measure the performance of their teams or groups which help them in increasing their team or group performances.

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Both leaders and the managers have to rely on the effective communication which is two way process. Honesty of leaders and the managers is a great deal in common. Leaders and the managers are good in Operation Management on Ikea in empathy and their self self awareness. Both of them requires a team or a group to lead or manage. Both of Opedation have to guide their groups towards achieving their goals and objectives.

Operation Management on Ikea

Both of them have to. Both of them help in making the plan of specific activities in order to achieve their goals and also help in coordination, controlling for the better organisation. Differences: leaders of the IKEA have to influence only its sub-ordinates in achieving its determined goals while as manager is managing the entire organisation.]

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