Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation -

Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation

Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation Video

Intro to Soc: Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation.

In his inaugural address, Joe Biden devoted his presidency to healing a country divided by culture and race.

Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation

But he will not be able to alter one of the root causes of American discord: The fact that the United States, once largely white, is fast becoming a majority-minority country. This demographic evolution has been driving wedges between Americans for decades.


On one side, leaders talk globalism, immigration and reparation. On the other, they invoke nationalism, nativism and nostalgia. What can we expect as this evolution continues?

Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation

There are vanishingly few examples of nation-states that have gone through this process ahead of us —but there are some. Each held sovereign control over immigration policy and therefore their demographic futures. Across their different populations, different regimes and different historical periods, unity was elusive.

The United States today, of course, is a much larger society, with a complicated political system and unique ethnic and religious diversity, but we are following Assimllation same pattern of demographic change and backlash that has taken place elsewhere in the world.

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As a result, the stories of these smaller nations are instructive: They show how governments can suppress certain groups and inflame social divisions, or how they can reconnect and redefine their nation, building unity in the process. More practically, they also reveal the ways Biden can turn the poetry of his oratory into the prose of good governance, avoiding the pitfalls of his predecessor.

Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation

What separated those places that were better able to reconcile their differences? The historical evidence points to five areas where societies either continue reading tensions or pivot to greater coexistence — valuable case studies for Biden and the White House. State ideologies have the power to unite or divide a multi-ethnic population. Sometimes the boundaries are literal, such as with residential segregation. In Mauritius, Indian-origin Mauritians who marry Multiculturlism Creoles are re-classified as part of the lower-status Creole minority, who tend to live in specific parts Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation the island.

America has long been subject to similar forms of segregation and racial classifications, all of which reinforce our differences. Before Trump entered the presidential race, Assimioation was the sense that the country was bridging here of these divides. Many Americans perceived the election of President Barack Obama as the triumph of an American ideology of equal opportunity over a history stained by white supremacy. But Trump reversed that progress.]

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