Argument in Favor of Euthanasia -

Argument in Favor of Euthanasia Video

Argument in Favor of Euthanasia

One of the few certainties of life is death, but in the twentieth century it is still a taboo subject. Yet once people can overcome reluctance Favr discuss the subject, most often what is revealed is not the fear of death itself, but the manner of dying. Even if someone wanted Argument in Favor of Euthanasia choose euthanasia as a way to end their existence, their wish may not be carried out, unless they live in the state of Oregon, or the Netherlands, where Physician Assisted Suicide PAS is protected under law.

I believe that the laws in most western nations that state euthanasia is illegal should be changed and the legalization of euthanasia, under certain restrictions, should be mandated throughout areas where the majority wishes to have the freedom to Euthanaia their method of dying.

Some people fear that if euthanasia were legalized, that, in the words of Dr. Both before and after women were found to have read article right to have an abortion, critics contended that legalizing that medical procedure would lead to its widespread use as a substitute for other forms of birth control or as a means of racial genocide.


Favog of any right creates the possibility of abuse. The slippery slope fears the opponents of Roe v. Wade have, of course, not materialized. The legalization of abortion has not undermined our commitment to life generally; nor, as some predicted, has it led to widespread infanticide. Similarly, there is no reason to believe that legalizing assisted suicide with parameters will lead to the horrific consequences its opponents imply and suggest. Those of this religious background argue that life is a gift from God and is thus only to be taken by Argument in Favor of Euthanasia. This is the same argument that was used against surgery only a hundred years ago.

Through their blind acceptance, they reject hat their God of Life is also God of Death, Arugment that the reluctance to accept dying as part of life borders on hypocrisy! Nancy Cruzan was a year old Missouri woman who was in a persistent vegetative state for seven years after being in a severe auto accident. Her parents fought all the way up to the Supreme Court to finally win permission to shut off her artificial nutrition and hydration.

When the day came to take her off artificial life support, nineteen people stormed the facility to try Argument in Favor of Euthanasia put the tubes back in. They were arrested and placed in jail.

Argument in Favor of Euthanasia

O the personal beliefs of the religious decide public policy for all adults, including religious liberalsHumanists, Atheists, or Agnostics? A competent, terminally ill adulthaving lived nearly the full measure of his life, has a strong liberty interest Euthznasia choosing a dignified and humane death rather than being reduced at the end of his existence learn more here a child-like state of helplessness, diapered, sedated, and incompetent. Another reason this violation of human rights is often not recognized is the gradual nature of the increasing power of medical technology to maintain a semblance of life longer and longer.

We are so pleased with Argument in Favor of Euthanasia medical advances that we overlook their misuse and their painful side effects. If that person, after undergoing all possible treatment, still feels enough is enough, they should have the right to be helped to die. There are also many of those who, having lost their independence and a sense of self-determination, feel that withholding the option of euthanasia, causes an unacceptable loss of personal dignity.

Argument in Favor of Euthanasia

They believe that their quality of life is nonexistent, and, therefore, see no benefits in draining money for their unending care from either Arvument loved ones or their care provider. In an age when total medical funding is restricted and being continually reduced, is it ethical to engage in extremely expensive treatment of terminally ill people in order to extend their lives by a few weeks, if it is against their will?

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The resources used in this way are not available for prenatal care, infant care, etc. As callous as it may seem, there are also financial benefits for people that could use the money in better ways than to use it to go against the wishes of the dying. Acceptance of death often leads to an increased quality of the life the terminally Argument in Favor of Euthanasia has remaining. A terminally ill person lives better knowing that he may gain control over the physical pain, the psychological agony and the financial devastation of dying. Terminally ill persons who have had control over their living expect to have control over their dying.]

Argument in Favor of Euthanasia

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