Theoretical Perspectives -

Theoretical Perspectives Video

3 main theoretical perspectives in Sociology Theoretical Perspectives

Psychology Theoretical Perspectives the study of the mind, and of necessity, a complex subject. Psychologists study behavior and mental processes, and this has understandably led to many theories which attempt to explain these complex areas. Though older perspectives such as psychodynamic theory have largely been superseded by newer thinking, there is overlap between the different aspects, and it is largely agreed by psychologists that no one perspective is entirely correct or the only explanation. The field of psychology is constantly adapting, and thus it is important to understand these 6 theories, as well as how they were developed, in Theoretical Perspectives to get an accurate understanding of this complex area.

This article is here to answer that question. Each of the major fields of study will be highlighted. You will be able to see the differences and similarities of each, and understand why an accurate picture of psychological understanding probably exists somewhere in the middle. Also known as behavioural neuroscience, the biological perspective examines how our physiology body ultimately shapes our psychology mind. Theoretical Perspectives is concerned with the structure and Persprctives of the Theoretkcal, nervous system and hormones and the role they play in determining our thoughts, feelings and subsequent behaviours.

Essentially, it attempts to explain how our brain effects our For psychologists, the biological perspective means looking for treatments that alter the hormonal or biochemical status quo to try and redress an imbalance, such as in treatment for a mental illness such as clinical depression.

1. Biological Perspective

A second important aspect of biological psychology is the heritability of cognitive factors, including intelligence and personality traits. Theoretical Perspectives the advent of genome sequencing, such investigations into inherited traits were often conducted using twin studies. Identical twins allow a unique perspective of being genetically identical, so in the simplest terms, high correlation of a trait between twins that are raised apart therefore excluding environmental factors indicates a strong genetic component to the trait, such as intelligence. Theoretical Perspectives correlation indicates that the learning and development environment that the child is placed in is a stronger determining factor. In reality, most traits are developed as a combination of both nature and nurture.

2. Psychodynamic Theory

Therefore, in order to accurately understand why a person exhibits certain psychological traits, we would have to look at their external and internal factors, and the complex relationship between each. Arguably the most famous psychologist of all time, Sigmund Freud was Perspective primary exponent of the psychodynamic or psychoanalytic theory. It attempts to explain personality and behaviour in terms of subconscious processes such as desires Theoretical Perspectives fears, which we are not consciously Theoretical Perspectives of. It has wide-reaching influence still in many areas, particularly developmental psychology, though some of its tenets have been all but dismissed over a century later. Freud spoke of three states of the mind that work in harmony: unconscious, preconscious and conscious also known as the id, ego and superego.

It is without morality and works according to the pleasure principle, seeking instant gratification. The ego is the reality-centred, logical aspect of the mind, that allows humans to function effectively individually and as part of society. It helps us Theoretical Perspectives our TTheoretical to ensure longer-term benefits to ourselves and others. The superego is our sense of morality, our conscience. It is part of what makes us human and is culturally influenced, varying from person to person and society to society.

For example, the superego prevents us from taking actions e. It furnishes us with the concept of guilt, and culturally acceptable morals. That the mind is not experiencing a constant battle between good and evil, but a steady state Perspectivess neutrality. Thus, while psychodynamic theory is not considered to be fully accurate in current psychological thinking, it still provides us with an excellent backdrop to why and how psychological theories developed to the point they are at today. The researchers Theoretical Perspectives the Theoretical Perspectives of empirical data and reproducibility to their experiments, which were primarily concerned with observation of behaviours.]

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