Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion -

Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion

The abortion care ATSM course syllabus below lists the minimum requirements for a course to be suitable for the theoretical component of this module. The course should last 1 day. Any times given or descriptions of activities within a course are given for guidance and as an example only.

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To establish whether a course is suitable, please compare this syllabus and the syllabus of a course on offer and take advice from your ATSM Preceptor. Please also read our general guidance on ATSM courses. Toggle navigation. Toggle navigation Other pages in this section. Course syllabus for abortion care ATSM The abortion care ATSM course syllabus below lists the minimum requirements for a course here be suitable for the theoretical component of this module.

Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion

Course syllabus — lecture topics and timings Historical public health and legal issues 2 hours Evolution of the law Public health and epidemiology UK statistics Ethical and legal controversies Discussion The package of care — abortion methods and complications 2 hours Who needs service?

The law — HSA1 and 4 What service is required?

Course syllabus – lecture topics and timings

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Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion

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One thought on “Theoretical Perspectives Of Abortion

  1. Excuse, that I can not participate now in discussion - there is no free time. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.

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