The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror -

The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

Opinion: The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

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The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

Mixed Jewish and Bengali.

The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

She has used the n word and compared her depression to the holocaust. Even not counting her poetry her private journals are full of disgusting, overblown antisemitism.

Sylvia plath essay on her poetry

Virginia Woolf wrote anti-semetic things in her private P,aths, too. You learn to read critically and acknowledge flaws where you find them. Nothing is ever ideologically pure, especially as time goes on and our social consciousness expands. They held bigoted views. Understand how that is reflected in their work, and be mindful of it. Compelling others to not engage with something at ALL on ideological grounds is in the same vein as burning books. We should be compelling others to be critical and mindful, not narrow and willfully ignorant.

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K Rowling. If you wanna laugh at Twelfth Niht, knock yourself out! It prevents us from being able to look critically at the work in question and understand the nuances and difficulties that living with other people in a society involves.

The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

Because when we understand more and more about how someone like Plath can speak to such a difficult aspect of the human experience so profoundly and movingly while also carrying bigoted hate, we understand more about where bigotry comes from and how to transform it where possible. Empathy is a lot to ask of the oppressed, but it is also an incredibly important tool of undoing oppression. If The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror reject everyone who you deem problematic, you reject everything else they are and the thing is, intersectionalism also includes a lot of people with -isms, whether we like it or not, simply by virtue of the fact that bigotry, unfortunately, exists in a lot of people in a lot of forms.


But because of the world we live in, if we got rid of every problematic cultural figure today, a lot of people who their works speak to and help and offer comfort or guidance to would suddenly have a much harder time finding the same things in someone else. Because the only way to get past something and build something better is to work through the hard parts and understand them. The real problem with cancel culture is that it refuses to engage with culture. Culture will continue developing whether we like it or not, and engaging with it, let alone being actively critical of it evaluating and analyzing it, not just criticizing it is difficult.

The Figures Displayed in Sylvia Plaths Mirror

What cancel culture does is give people a way out of the difficult work that is necessary while making them feel morally upright. We have to clean the room, item by item, together, letting each other rest when we need to but continuing on until the whole place is rid of everything toxic. Please send a email to tumbex.]

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