The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum -

The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum

The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum Video

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The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in, and He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he stumbled upon the Americas.

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During the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of several European nations sponsored expeditions abroad in the hope that explorers would find great wealth and vast undiscovered lands. Starting in aboutsmall Portuguese ships known as caravels zipped along the African coast, carrying spices, gold, slaves and other goods from Https:// and Africa to Europe.

Christopher Columbus, the son of a wool merchant, is believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy, in When he was Zszccfvgfdcf a teenager, he got a job on a merchant ship. He remained at sea untilwhen pirates attacked his ship as it sailed north along the Portuguese coast. The boat sank, but the young Columbus floated to shore on a scrap of wood and made his way to Lisbon, where he eventually studied mathematics, astronomy, cartography and navigation. He also began to hatch the plan that would change the world forever. At the end of the The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum century, it was nearly impossible to reach Asia from Europe by land. The route was long and arduous, and encounters with hostile armies were difficult to avoid.

Portuguese explorers The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum this problem by taking to the sea: They sailed south along the West African coast and around the Cape of Good Hope. But Columbus had a different idea: Why not sail west across the Atlantic instead of around the massive African continent? He argued incorrectly that the circumference of the Earth was much smaller than his contemporaries believed it was; accordingly, he believed that the journey by boat from Europe to Asia should be not only possible, but comparatively easy via an as-yet undiscovered Northwest Passage.

The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum

He presented his plan to officials in Portugal and England, but it was not until that he found a sympathetic audience: the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand of Aragon Ot Isabella of Castile. Columbus wanted fame and fortune. Ferdinand and Isabella wanted the same, along with the opportunity to export Catholicism to lands across the globe. Columbus, a devout Catholic, was equally enthusiastic about this possibility. On October 12, the ships made landfall—not in the East Indies, as Columbus assumed, but on one of the Bahamian islands, likely San Salvador. In Januaryleaving several dozen men behind in a makeshift settlement on Hispaniola present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republiche left for Spain. He kept a detailed diary during his first voyage.

The Discovery Of The Indian Caribbean Museum

More troublingly, it also recorded his initial impressions of the local people and his argument for why they should be enslaved. They have no iron …They would make fine servants … With fifty men we could Discoveery them all and make them do whatever we want. About six months later, in SeptemberColumbus returned to the Americas. Then he headed west continue his mostly fruitless search for gold and other goods.

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His group now included a large number of indigenous people the Europeans had enslaved. In lieu of the material riches he had promised the Spanish monarchs, he sent some slaves to Queen Isabella. In MayColumbus sailed west across the Atlantic for the third time. Conditions were so bad that Spanish authorities had to send a new governor to take over. Meanwhile, the native Taino population, forced to search for gold and to work on plantations, was decimated within 60 years after Columbus landed, only a few hundred of what may have beenTaino were left on their island. Christopher Columbus was arrested and returned to Spain in chains.

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Incleared of the most serious charges but stripped of his noble titles, the aging Columbus persuaded the Spanish crown to pay for click last trip across the Atlantic. This time, Columbus made it all the way to Panama—just miles from the Pacific Ocean—where he had to abandon two of his four ships after damage from storms and hostile natives. Empty-handed, the explorer returned to Spain, where he died in However, his journey kicked off centuries of exploration and exploitation on the American continents.]

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