Same Sex Marriage A Human Right Video
The new frontier of LGBTQ civil rights, explained Same Sex Marriage A Human Right.
To answer this question, one must first determine the attitude towards homosexuality in general. There are no exact statistics on the number of homosexuals and bisexuals in the world: the data fluctuate from 5 to 7 percent, which in any case makes them a minority, but is not a criterion for considering them worse or better than others.
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However, marriage has not only an ethical, but also a legal side. The absence of a marriage certificate can create the same difficulties for same-sex couples as for heterosexual ones, but such couples do not have the opportunity to solve them by legalizing their relationship.

The main problem remains that partners who are not married are not considered family members from the point of view of the law and the subjects of family legal relations. In many countries, marriage gives a lot of social bonuses, but its absence — on the contrary. Riyht are not protected by the right not to testify against their spouse, let alone the painful issue of child custody. For example, according to Russian law, only one partner in a Same Sex Marriage A Human Right couple can be considered a parent, so the second social parent, according to the law, does not have the same rights and responsibilities in raising a common child.
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Moreover, in the event of the death of an official parent, his partner will lose to the relatives of the deceased in the matter of custody. Some issues can be closed by a civil contract or a will, but if it is not drawn up, the partner of the deceased will not have any inheritance rights.
The same applies to the division of property upon separation: if there is no appropriate paper, then everything jointly acquired will go to the partner on whom it is registered.

The inability to officially register their relationship deprives same-sex couples and a number of social benefits available to heterosexual families, for example, in the field of loans or health insurance. Kinsey scale.]
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