Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period -

Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period

Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period Video

Postpartum Depression: What You Need to Know Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period.

The majority of new moms will experience some level of depression after childbirth. During pregnancy, the body goes through many hormonal and physical changes in nine months.

Treatment Options For Postpartum Anxiety & Depression

But at birth, those changes are abrupt and induce postpartum depression. On the scale of intensity and timeline, the WHO classifies depression into 3 categories:.

Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period

During Antenatal care visitsgynecologists educate patients on postnatal depression. Thus, it helps in identifying the symptoms of depression and seeking prompt help.

Differences In Signs & Symptoms

Baby blues last from a few hours to 2 weeks. Therefore, help from family and friends makes coping with the post-pregnancy transitional phase easier.

Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period

If the symptoms are overbearing, reach out to your gynecologist for additional support and consultation. Our pregnancy care plan provides support for every stage of maternity.

Postpartum Depression And The Postpartum Period

It is acute and persisting as compared to baby blues. Generally, it starts within 2 weeks of childbirth but it can start anytime within the first year of giving birth. Baby blues that get intense after two weeks indicate postpartum depression. During pregnancy, Estrogen and Progesterone levels rise but drop Post;artum once after childbirth. Also, a shift in Thyroid function can cause exhaustion and depression.

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Changes in blood pressure, metabolism, and Posttpartum system also contribute to depression. Symptoms can get worse with time. Therefore, it is crucial to contact a gynecologist if you or a loved one manifests the signs and symptoms of depression. The gynecologist will do postpartum screening to evaluate the condition.

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After that, the gynecologist will decide if you need medication or postnatal depression counseling. Check out our pregnancy care plan to get counseling. Postpartum psychosis is an uncommon mental illness that affects 3 out of new mothers.]

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