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Human Nature - Cruel Is Heathcliff Succumbing To Human Nature Is Heathcliff Succumbing To Human Nature

The inference is that all important decisions during the Trump years were made by reading tea leaves or conferring with the Amazing Kreskin. Like anything else of consequence, much of science has been hijacked and repurposed to suit progressive agendas. The people most often appalled by this blatant dishonesty are religious conservatives — observant Jews, conservative More info and evangelical Christians. For the most part, with some notable exceptions, Muslims are staying out of this. Even though they support sharply defined gender roles, they know they have to take a pass if they want to be part of the governing Democrat coalition of radicalized identity groups.

Is Heathcliff Succumbing To Human Nature

The war on science is a war on truth and conscience. For too long, religious folks have struck a defensive posture, that is, slow surrender. Underneath the repeated assaults by the LGBTQ lobby on norms of any kind is the assumption that the Bible is invalid, nature is what you make of it and truth is irrelevant. Resorting only to abstract claims of civil rights instead of battling dangerous, meritless assumptions paves the way for marginalization at best, and persecution at worst.

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The Big Lie now is that people with traditional beliefs about sex, gender, marriage or even American exceptionalism are bigots. Anyone who says otherwise hates women.

Is Heathcliff Succumbing To Human Nature

Because scientific proof of the uniqueness of each human being from conception is so overwhelming, new terms were deployed to distort the truth. In Virginia, Democrat Gov. Parents who object could be reported to social services. Yes, elections have consequences. Despite winning every court case, the Scouts gave their tormentors everything they wanted.

For years, the BSA threw away a winning hand — the truth — opting instead for a narrow First Amendment defense. Even Nazis have rights.

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Heck, their voluminous offender files alone make the case. The Biden Administration, egged on by Rep. Originally posted here. Robert Knight is a contributor to The Washington Times. His website is robertHknight. All Rights Reserved. News Insight Videos About Subscribe. Https:// in the loop on killer content, exclusive videos, and much more! Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to …. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. Thanks for sharing! We invite you to become an insider.]

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