Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same -

Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same - curious question

A recent client of ours was having difficulty creating alignment on a team. The organization had made a point of hiring people from a variety of backgrounds — all of them highly skilled and conscientious — and everyone really wanted to get along. But while the team voiced a commitment to alignment, they kept running into sticky issues around how they worked together, and it was the new diverse hires that were almost always seen as the source of the issues. In other words, the expectation was that the people coming into the organization should adapt to it, rather than for the current staff and leaders to make changes that might accommodate the input and working styles of the new members. This attitude may seem reasonable; however, it is based on a false assumption about the nature of diverse teams. Diversity efforts, by definition, bring together people who see the world in different ways. This variance in worldviews is why these teams tend to be more creative and generate more robust solutions to business problems.

Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same Video

Ruby's Inclusion Story Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same

Ethney Gentry was thrilled to have infiltrated the ultimate good old boy network, landing a job with a mid-size Tulsa-based oil company. The first moments of this much-anticipated meeting seemed awkward and somewhat strained. When our founder, Champ Luman, died twelve years ago, his three Szme daughters, referred to throughout the company as the girls, became major shareholders. They pushed hard for the inclusion of a woman in management. No was me. Ethney tried to show no reaction as she set her cup on the desk. I was not on the selection team. Ethney could not believe the undisguised cynicism of the woman across the desk. She was torn between a desire to get up Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same march out of the office and a desire to stay and hear the entire lecture. She decided to take the high road. But I think that coming in, you should understand some things. When I started, I intended to jump right in and contribute.

Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same

The men resented it. The reaction to me was harsh. I jumped up to get coffee for everyone. I sought the wise counsel of their opinions before daring to make a suggestion in meetings. I played the female image that was in their minds. Https:// felt like an idiot.

I kowtowed till I thought I would throw up.

Inclusion Is Not Everyone Getting The Same

I had quietly stepped back and accepted my place. Ethney took a deep breath and shook her head. It may be a little better now, but they are still throwbacks to Mad Men. I've been around oil men all my life. My daddy and his daddy were oil men.

I hate football. I hang on for the commercials.

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Alex shrugged. I became Alex and I became one of the guys. And, over time, I came to be treated with grudging respect, and promotions followed. Later, when I submitted my ideas for improving coordination of teams in the oil fields, they thought was brilliant! Change your name. Ethney Evrryone too girlie. The meeting was over.

Is your team "nice" instead of effective?

She sold out. All of these women sold out. They can't even be who they are. I am an experienced, educated, qualified, capable woman.


I don't want to be MadisonEthney thought confidently and pushed the elevator button. Do you think male-dominated cultures like this one still exist? Do you think women have to plot a strategy to be accepted?]

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