Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region -

Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region

Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region - idea Completely

Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. It is home to about residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 's. Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations th at surround the base include human abductions "alien abductions" by these extraterrestrial beings. He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation. Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region

Translated from the original published at Sonic Field in Spanish. To a sk about Od borders between science, art and speculation is ambiguous. Although the categories that we have created over the years have forced us to separate the disciplines and then talk about their interrelation, there were once forms of them that did not necessarily were understood separately, actually in many cases, they could not even have different names.

Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region

Alchemy is an example of this, presented as science, art and path of transcendence. Mxnipulation it can also visit web page shamanism, which incorporates its own mechanics, its technologies and vehicles, its forms of crafts and its own ways of research.

Most of his creations are related to noise, which in his work is understood in a multiplicity of processes and routes that encompass the aesthetic, the ontological, the speculative and the critical; dimensions that often dialogue and merge in his sculptures, compositions, performances and installations, positining him as one who searches among various expressions of energy and matter, both the underground and telluric manifestations, as well as the celestial and ancient ones, thus being able to deal with both cables and the conduction of signals in a physical apparatus, and also the sensation Inncan speculation of the mental and perceptual process.

Sonic Field: Hi Jorge. We could start by talking about your encounter with sound, and particularly how Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region has been introduced into your life and work.

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Jorge Barco: Since I was a kid I have had a sensitivity for visual and plastic arts, I used to paint and assemble wooden objects. At university, I also experimented with different media, between photography, video and assemblies. Already working in Museums, I get involved in projects that cross art, technology and sound, more in a manager and curator role. InI go here my first approaches to circuit bending and exploration with analog synthesizers and DIY Infan produce sound. That same year my daughter Eva was also born, along with her came a renewed strength to create, and experiment again.


When I started building circuits, soldering, I was reunited with the plasticity that painting and assembling objects transmitted to me. With the difference that this time the objects sounded!

Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region

I think there is a lot of magic in sound, listening, in the possibility of generating it yourself and the idea of building your own noise devices. At first it made an uncontrolled and chaotic noise from altered toys, and square wave oscillators, which were later taken another dimension; listening to the machines and making them available to a broader narrative, a kind of sonic fiction.

In particular, what is the role that noise plays in your work, both sculptural and in performance? Do you consider any relationship or difference in the material assessment of noise according to these formats? Improvising live sounds seeks to provoke the same thing: a ritual act to evoke these forces, for example calling the telluric with the power of low frequencies, the wind or the water with a soundscape already recorded, the inaudible with an Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region sensor, cracking the strata with stones over a loudspeaker… There is a lot of fiction and alchemy both in my machines and installations and in performance.

SF: In your works, a constant reflection of different levels of the materiality of objects is evident, not only advocating their physical conditions but also a recurrent metaphysical interest. Where does this come from and how has the dialogue between physics and metaphysics has influenced your creative process? JB: The broad and transcendent questions motivate me and perhaps that is one of the main incentives to make art, in the creative process different materials and forms are found for experimenting and expressing myself, and in that point sound turns into plastic dimension, language and scenery.

A complete sweep of energies including electrical magnetism, electromagnetism, geomagnetism, quantum waves as well as acoustics, which in turn resonate with the personal, the interpersonal, the musical, the earth, and the cosmos Art As A Major physical and metaphysical scales. Douglas Kahn comments in a book on landmarks that in this Sonosphere, unlike the soundscape, there is no moral stigma creating a difference between the technological and the natural, as it goes much deeper; The Sonosphere is not just waves, it is also built by energy particles phonons. Where and why does this material multi-dimensionality interest come from? Is it heading towards something in particular?

JB: The effort to give a certain materiality to something apparently ethereal like sound is a constant in my artistic work. From a certain angle my work seems to be a kind of plastic sound art; that is because of the physical format, to generate, house Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region represent the sound; in a box, a stone, an embroidery or a cassette.]

Incan Manipulation Of The Saraguro Region

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