How Did Vladk Affect The Holocaust -

How Did Vladk Affect The Holocaust

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Millions were left without families or homes. Most returned to their homes and businesses. Many permanently settled into displaced persons camps.

How Did Vladk Affect The Holocaust

Most returned to their European homelands. Search for an answer or ask Weegy.

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There are no new answers. There are no comments. Add an answer or comment. Log in or sign up first. Weegy: InHitler took action against Jewish people in Germany by building death camps in German cities.

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Weegy: Nazis who forced Jewish people to live in ghettos also forced them to make war materials for Germany. User: ByJewish people in Nazi Germany were not allowed to work in the government or carry identification. Affdct ByJews in Nazi Germany were not allowed to work in the government or attend schools and colleges.

How Did Vladk Affect The Holocaust

S hare your vie w. Earn a little too. Popular Conversations. The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone Weegy: The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone came down the street.]

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