Harry Lee Kuan Yew - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Harry Lee Kuan Yew - topic has

As one of the founding members of the People's Action Party , Lee is recognised as the nation's founding father, credited with rapidly transitioning the country from a " developing third world country into a developed first world country within a single generation" under his leadership. After attending the London School of Economics , Lee transferred to and graduated from Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge , with starred-first-class honours in law. He became a barrister of the Middle Temple in and practised law until Lee co-founded the People's Action Party PAP in and was its first secretary-general until , leading the party to eight consecutive victories in the general elections. Lee stepped down as prime minister in and was senior minister under his successor Goh Chok Tong until , then minister mentor under Lee Hsien Loong until Lee held successive ministerial positions for 56 years and represented the Tanjong Pagar seat until his death in Lee campaigned for Britain to relinquish its colonial rule, and eventually attained through a national referendum a merger with other former British territories in Southeast Asia to form Malaysia in Harry Lee Kuan Yew Harry Lee Kuan Yew

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Ostentou o cargo de Ministro Mentor, un posto creado polo seu fillo, Lee Hsien Loongque se converteu no terceiro primeiro ministro o 12 de agosto de Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20 de abril de Consultado o 23 de marzo de Arquivado dende o orixinal o 02 de abril de Consultado o 2 de abril de Scarecrow Press.

Harry Lee Kuan Yew

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Harry Lee Kuan Yew

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