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The version history of the mobile operating system iOSdeveloped by Apple Inc. Since its initial release, it has been used as the operating system for iPhoneiPadiPod Touchand HomePodseeing Apple Upgraded Its Encryption System development since then, resulting in new major releases of the software typically being announced at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference and later released in September, coinciding with the release of new iPhone models. The latest stable version, iOS The latest beta version, iOS Updates can be done over-the-air through settings since iOS 5or via the iTunes or Finder applications. It was officially renamed iOS on June 7,with the announcement and introduction of the first-generation iPad.

The introduction of what would later become the iPad line, and the existence of iPod Touch, meant the iPhone was no longer the only device to run the mobile operating system. Apple concurrently provides the same version of iOS for the comparable model of iPhone and iPod Touch, usually devices released in the same calendar year.

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As of[update] four versions of iOS were not publicly released, with the version numbers of three of them changed during development. The second was iOS 4. Similarly, iOS Apple announced iPhone OS 1 at the iPhone keynote on January 9,and it was released Apple Upgraded Its Encryption System the public alongside the original iPhone on June 29, No official name was given on its initial release; Apple marketing literature simply stated the iPhone runs a version of Apple's desktop operating system, OS X. It became unsupported on May 18, Apple announced iPhone OS 2 at the iPhone software roadmap keynote in Marchand it was released to the public on July 11,alongside the iPhone 3G.

Apple did not drop support for any devices with this release.]

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