Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine -

Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine Video

Advice for chronic migraine sufferers Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine

They have become chronic since my mid-twenties. As much as I try to escape this debilitating neurological disease, it Suffed very much a part of me. What exactly is chronic migraine, you ask? Chronic migraine is defined as having fifteen or more headache days per month over a three-month period.

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This has been my reality for a number of years. But how did it all start? What exactly causes chronic migraine?

Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine

The tricky thing is no one is one hundred percent certain. There are numerous factors that come into play, such as stress, food, genetics, weather changes, hormones, skipping meals, not enough sleep, and the list goes on.

Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine

A little bit about me. There would be countless times lying in the dark sick room of my school, my head absolutely in splitting pain, or hovered over the toilet and severely sensitive to all light and sounds. I would try and fall asleep on the school bus ride home, vomit at the end of the driveway, and collapse upon coming home. Countless times I would take medicine and my mom would have me lie down in her dark bedroom and have supper waiting for when I awoke. Time, sleep, and sometimes medication would bring me relief. As I went through junior high to high school, I did my best trying to balance school, home life, and my migraine attacks. After graduating high school, I went off to Marvel College to become a hairstylist.

Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine, there was no escape from the earth-shattering head pain and all the symptoms that go along with having a migraine. Like any young person, I enjoyed starting my career, decorating my own apartment, and living out my dreams. As you can imagine, working in a salon with bright lights, loud noises, and chemicals was challenging with my migraine attacks. After working in the salon for several years, I needed a change and opted for a quieter office job. I thought there would be no harsh chemicals, no loud noises, and I could dim the lights.

My computer even had an anti-glare screen on it. I tried so hard to escape my pain, but its grip just got tighter and tighter. InI took a medical leave from my job. I was an absolute mess and at my breaking point. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. With daily chronic pain, it exasperated my depression and anxiety. It felt Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine my pain was spiralling out of control and I ultimately had a breakdown. My workplace I once loved so much felt as if it had turned against me because of my migraine attacks.

Even with taking a break from my full-time job, the pain was not going anywhere.

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I left my job for good and began focusing on my health full-time. Again, I saw more neurologists and no one could seem to explain why I was suffering from daily migraine attacks. I took this news to my doctor and patiently waited for my referral.]

Adults Who Suffer From Chronic Migraine

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