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Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani Video

Originally a consultant at Geological and Metallurgical Laboratories, a company that he co-founded with his wife, Pramila Bai, the couple is now committed to the cause of nurturing the arts—both classical music and dance—in Bengaluru. Praveen Kumar is wrapping up a recording for an online event, and closing the day with a Hot Chocolate Fudge from the iconic Corner House in Shankarapuram, Basavangudi. A Bharatanatyam dancer-choreographer, Praveen held a monopoly as the only Bharatanatyam teacher in his locality for nearly 12 years.
On January 17th, just as live performances returned, Bharatanatyam and contemporary dancer-choreographer and actor Rukmini Vijayakumar performed Ishwara: A Journey to the Selfa production dedicated to her father, K Vijayakumar. This minute performance in the Bharatanatyam Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani, was presented at the Bangalore International Centre BICa seat auditorium in Domlur to a full hall, needless to say adhering to social distancing protocols.
Featuring a host of artists from across Delhi, London, Mumbai and Bengaluru, the festival click at this page decent sales. For years now, Bengaluru has earned for itself many titles: the Garden City that slowly cracked the IT code becoming the hub for technology, a thriving city for start-ups, the capital of contemporary dance in India, a melting pot of cultures. If numbers are indicators, content is proof and social media is a metric—for both quality and diversity of work—Bengaluru is fast emerging as the second capital of Bharatanatyam, after Chennai that has always been considered its hub. Bengaluru has always had a vibe of its own as far as the arts is concerned and many dancers of my generation and a few senior than me—Padmini Rao, Padmini Ramachandran, Kiran Subramanyam, B Bhanumathi, Dr Lalitha Srinivasan, just to name a Bhaarthanatyam done some phenomenal work in creating interest Traditionla fostering the art Bharathanagyam.
In Malleshwaram, an old neighbourhood Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani Bengaluru, that is literally the epicentre of Bharatanatyam, where dance schools share space with arts patrons and auditoriums, big and small—Chowdiah Memorial Hall, Seva Sadan, Ananya, Shukra—interest has been cultivated through events and festivals that have accorded equal space for artists outside of the city with local talent, ensuring the co-existence of learning and performance. Nupura, a dance institution founded by acclaimed Bharatanatyam guru, Lalitha Srinivasan, who is a specialist in the Mysore style of Bharatanatyam, having learnt it directly from K Venkatalakshamma, has, since its inception 42 years ago, trained more than students who continue Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani perform and teach dance across the world.

In the year of the pandemic, Nupura celebrated 35 years of Nitya Nritya, an annual festival of dance that has raised the standard in terms of curation and presentation. Amongst the leading festivals that have acquired landmark status, eight are curated by dancers.
Bustling with a vibrant workshop culture, the Bharatanatyam world in Bengaluru is also appreciative of many perspectives and styles that exist within its large and dynamic framework. What is also significant in Bengaluru is the fact that almost all shows, small or big, are ticketed, enabling an ecosystem for the arts and the artists. If marriage took artists like Divya out of Bengaluru, others like Apoorva Jayaraman, for instance, a young Bharatanatyam dancer-choreographer, who was raised in Bengaluru and who studied astrophysics at Cambridge University, made a conscious decision to move to Chennai to pursue Bharatanatyam.
Over the years, Bengaluru has also Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani the birth of spaces, intimate and informal—Shoonya, Courtyard, Ishva, BIC—that have created possibilities for experimental work within a traditional repertoire and have served as an adda for dialogue and debate. During the pandemic, when the performance venue shifted from a proscenium stage to social media, Raghavendra watched with empathy how some dancers struggled to create spaces to perform within their homes.
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Brimming with the voices of dancers who are keen to inspire a younger generation Bharathanafyam pursue the arts, as a full-time profession and committed to make it work financially, Bengaluru is also vocal about resisting the culture of paying to perform at a concert. Equally crucial from the point of view of an artist is the audience. The eclectic nature of the city Traditional Bharathanatyam Dance By Dattani organically manifests in an audience that sometimes walks into a performance with little or no knowledge of the dance form but filled with curiosity and an appetite to engage, without any prejudice or bias.]

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