The Theory Of The General Will -

The Theory Of The General Will

The Theory Of The General Will - something

Everything is about power. Everything has to have a side. Everyone knows what side they should pick. Pick it—and you're a collaborator. Reject it—a dissident. Nor are these labels chosen to mean that dissidents are always right, and collaborators always wrong. Far from it. Sometimes power is right; sometimes power is wrong. Always and everywhere, power defines and is defined by what you should think, do and say if you wish to flourish. This is the only sure way to know whether you are a dissident or a collaborator. The Theory Of The General Will

As you are no doubt aware, the spread of the coronavirus has resulted in many events around the world being cancelled, postponed or reformatted to allow for remote participation.

The Theory Of The General Will

Please note that CEPR is monitoring developments very carefully and liaising with all conference organisers regarding the best course of action to take for each event. If you are applying Theoty, or scheduled to attend, one of our events, please look out for direct communications regarding your event from each organiser. CEPR organises workshops and conferences for its researchers, allowing them to present their work and discuss it, both with fellow researchers and with members of the policy community and private sector. The Events Team is responsible for the overall administration of all conferences, workshops and dissemination events.

The Theory Of The General Will

Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Sign up: Workshops and Conferences CEPR organises workshops and conferences for its researchers, allowing them to present their work and discuss it, both with fellow researchers and with members of the policy community and private sector.]

The Theory Of The General Will

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