Thucydides vs Plato Essay -

Thucydides vs Plato Essay - simply remarkable

Johnny Lee Plato versus Nietzsche The central ideas that two great philosophers, Plato and Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about were the reality and appearance; and what they mainly focused on is where we as humans stand between these two. But they do have something to agree upon; they both argue that humans live in an illusory world of our own that we think is reality when we actually are not. One important idea they disagree on is their concepts on what is reality and what is truth. I will explain the similarities and differences between Plato and Nietzsche through the cave allegory. Starting from a base point, Plato and Nietzsche both state that there are deceptions and illusions in the world. They are only the appearances of the actual objects, meaning that we are not getting the genuine concept that is concealed by the appearances. He explains that the objects humans see in the visible world are far from the truth and their true forms. Although Nietzsche does believe that there are illusions in the world that humans are commonly deceived by, he argues that what deceives us in the world is our language and not the appearances of objects. And this is where language part comes in. Words do not hold any meanings or the true essence of the objects.

Thucydides vs Plato Essay Video

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler Thucydides vs Plato Essay Thucydides vs Plato Essay Thucydides vs Plato Essay

The latter is a futuristic story set in a world controlled by artificial-intelligent computers that created the Matrix, a virtual world programmed for the humans to live in, as an attempt to keep the human race contained and under control. Within the similarities between the two stories, themes that relate to both of the stories are presented. Both stories have characters that are built around the same roles.

Thucydides vs Plato Essay

For example, Neo represents the prisoner in the cave who discovers the true light of the real world. With the help of Morpheus and his team Neo is able to escape from his perception of reality and see the truth. Both the prisoner and Here are ignorant of the truth until their mentors enlighten them. Another strikingly similar set of characters gs Morpheus and the unnamed man.

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They both serve as mentors to the oblivious characters. Morpheus allows Neo to break out of his pod and see the seemingly unbelievable harsh reality. Morpheus calls Neo the chosen one, whose purpose is to destroy the Matrix. In The Allegory of the Cave, Socrates explains Thucydides vs Plato Essay what we see is not the real hing, but it is only what we see in our mind, thus we are not experiencing reality directly. In The Matrix, we experience life in a virtual world that we think is real, which Thucyddides means that we are not experiencing reality directly.

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This idea can be seen with the following quote from the The Matrix: Spoon girl: Do not try and bend the spoon. Instead… only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon girl: There is no spoon.]

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