Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby -

Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby - valuable phrase

He was born in in St. Paul, Minnesota and named after his ancestor who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner. Fitzgerald was also known for other literary works such as This Side of Paradise and Tender is the Night. Before analyzing the various themes and symbols of The Great Gatsby it is important to realize how the historical background had affected them. Sparknotes Also contributing to this was the institution of Prohibition, the banning of the manufacture and sale of alcohol. The first major symbols in the story are introduced through the geography. This provides a backdrop that presents itself throughout the story. In the novel, most events take place in West Egg, East Egg, and the Valley of Ashes, and these also represent a constant reminder of the differences in the wealthy and poor classes.

Consider: Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby

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Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby

Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby Video

The Great Gatsby - Symbols - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Nick Caraway, the narrator, Is one of the few characters who does not exhale the major laws that the other characters do.

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He Is able to see what Is wrong In society, at the same time as what Is positive about people, Teme his viewpoints are what characterize those In the novel. It Is who he meets In that summer that the novel Is about, using rich colors to describe his surroundings and having long pollens of people. Colors within the novel help to characterize the people around Nick, describing the nature and characteristics of people by associating them with certain colors. BLUE Nick tends to have a positive opinion of Jay Gatsby, often putting him on somewhat of a pedestal in comparison to many others he met in the summer.

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Gatsby is a war hero that Nick knew in the war and who later is his neighbor on West Egg. Gatsby is often associated with the color blue, blue only coming up a few times when not associated with Gatsby, the only other reference to blue is of T. Eagleburger eyes. Blue is used to characterize people as watchers, or omnipresent people. Cocklebur, which had Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. Wilson describes the eyes of Cocklebur as the eyes of God, seeing through the deception his wife had played on him for so long.

The Cocklebur eyes are a billboard in the Valley of Ashes, they have been there for a long time and oversee everything, much like a man on a pedestal or God would be able to do. Cocklebur is viewed as God with his blue eyes seeing everything. People often blame events on God or claim his nonexistence because they do not erectly see an outside help when they have problems.

Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby

People claim that God only sees what happens on Earth and does not actually help his creations, leaving them to fend for themselves and having them make their own decisions. No one directly helps In the situations that are within the book; no outside hand helps with the problems nor guides any character to Gatsbh. Cocklebur sees Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby does not do. He Is a God. Gatsby Is much Like Cocklebur In the fact that he watches without action. Gatsby went to war and left behind Daisy, his love, only to find her married when he got home. Gatsby then saved up and bought a home across the bay from Daisy and watched from afar, watching over her but contacting her. He instead watches for Daisy and takes clippings about her life from the newspaper.

Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby Essay

Nick says that they are choosing their part of the local heaven, and God presides and watches from heaven. Gatsby is characterized as a God character because of his inaction; this puts him on a pedestal, elevating the view of him. God is not hated, he is loved, and Gatsby is well loved by Nick. Gatsby would be free from Nicks criticism due to his love for him.]

Theme Of Colors In The Great Gatsby

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