The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance -

The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance

Proponents of a "long Renaissance" argue that it began in the 14th century and lasted until the 17th century.

The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance

The Renaissance author Giorgio Vasari used the term "Rebirth" in his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects inCausee the concept became widespread only in the 19th century, after the work of scholars such as Jules Michelet and Jacob Burckhardt. Thus Italy renewed contact with antiquity which provided humanist scholars with new texts. Finally the Renaissance had a significant effect on the Papal States and on Romelargely rebuilt by humanist and Renaissance popes such as Alexander VI r. The Italian Renaissance has a reputation for its achievements in paintingarchitecturesculptureliteraturemusicphilosophyscience The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance, technologyand exploration.

Italy became the recognized European leader in click the following article these areas by the Renqissance 15th century, during the era of the Peace of Lodi — agreed between Italian states. The Italian Renaissance peaked in the midth century as domestic disputes and foreign invasions plunged the region into the turmoil of the Italian Wars — However, the ideas and ideals of the Italian Renaissance spread into the rest of Europe, setting off the Northern Renaissance from the late 15th century. Italian explorers from the maritime republics served under the auspices of European monarchs, ushering in the Age of Discovery.

Italian scientists such as FalloppioTartagliaGalileo and Torricelli played key roles in the scientific revolutionand foreigners such as Copernicus and Vesalius worked in Italian universities.

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Historiographers have proposed various events and dates of the 17th century, such as the conclusion of the European Wars of Religion inas marking the end of the Renaissance. Accounts of Renaissance literature usually begin with the three great Italian writers of the 14th century: Dante Alighieri Divine ComedyPetrarch Canzoniereand Renaissace Decameron. Historians of the period include Machiavelli himself, his friend and critic Francesco Guicciardini and Giovanni Botero The Reason of State The Aldine Pressfounded in by the printer Aldo Manuzioactive in Venice, developed Italic type and pocket editions that one could carry in one's pocket; it became the first to publish printed editions of books in Ancient Greek.

Venice also became the birthplace of the Commedia dell'Arte. Click here Renaissance art exercised a dominant influence on subsequent European painting and sculpture for centuries afterwards, with artists such as Leonardo da VinciMichelangeloRaphaelDonatello c. Italian Renaissance architecture had a similar The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance Renaissnace, as practised by BrunelleschiLeon Battista AlbertiAndrea Palladioand Bramante Their works include the Florence Cathedral built from toSt. Peter's Basilica built in Rome, and the Tempio Malatestiano reconstructed from c.

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The musical era of the Italian Renaissance featured composers this web page as Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c.

In philosophythinkers such as Galileo, Machiavelli, Giordano Bruno and Pico della Mirandola emphasized naturalism and humanismthus rejecting dogma and scholasticism. By the Late Middle Ages circa onwardLatiumthe former heartland of the Roman Empireand southern Italy were generally poorer than the North. Rome became known as the city of the Vatican and the catholic church was part of the Papal States were loosely administered, and vulnerable to external interference, particularly by France, and later Spain. In the south, Sicily had for some time been under foreign domination, by the Arabs and then the Normans.

Sicily was occupied during that time by the Emirate of Sicily and later, for two centuries, the Norman Kingdom and the Hohenstaufen Kingdombut had declined by the late Middle Ages.

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In contrast, Northern and Central Italy had become far more prosperous, and it has been calculated that the region was among the richest of Europe. The Crusades had built lasting trade links to the Levantand the Fourth Crusade had done much to destroy the Byzantine Roman Empire as a commercial rival to the Venetians and Genoese. With navigation, sea-going vessels and seaports, the main trade routes from the East now bypassed the Byzantine Empire or the Arab lands and onward to the ports Thee GenoaPisaand Venice. Luxury goods bought in the Levant, such as spices, dyes, and silks were imported to Italy and then resold throughout Europe. Moreover, the inland city-states profited from the rich agricultural land of the Po valley.

The Renaissance The Cause Of The Renaissance

From France, Germany, and the Low Countries, through the medium of the Champagne fairsland and river trade routes brought goods such as woolwheatand precious metals into the region.]

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