The Philosophical Branch Of Personal Identity Video
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Hume argued against the existence of innate ideaspositing that all human knowledge derives solely from experience. Hume argued that inductive reasoning and belief in causality cannot be justified rationally; instead, they result from custom and mental habit. We never actually perceive that one event causes another but only experience the " constant conjunction " of events. This problem of induction means that to draw any causal inferences from past experience, it is necessary to presuppose that the future will resemble the past, Philosoohical presupposition which cannot itself be grounded in prior experience.
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An opponent of philosophical rationalistsHume held that passions rather than reason govern human behaviour, famously proclaiming that " Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions. He continue reading an early commitment to naturalistic explanations of moral phenomena and is usually taken to have first clearly expounded the is—ought problemor the idea that a statement of fact alone can never give rise to a normative conclusion of what ought to be done. Hume also denied that humans have an actual conception of the self, positing that we experience only a bundle of sensationsand that the self The Philosophical Branch Of Personal Identity nothing more than this bundle of causally-connected perceptions.
Hume's compatibilist theory of free will takes causal determinism as fully compatible with human freedom. Hume influenced utilitarianismlogical positivismthe philosophy of scienceearly analytic philosophycognitive sciencetheologyand many other fields and thinkers.

Immanuel Kant credited Hume as the inspiration who had awakened him from his "dogmatic slumbers. Hume changed his family name's spelling inas the surname 'Home' pronounced like 'Hume' was not well-known in England.
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Hume never married and lived partly at his Chirnside family home in Berwickshirewhich had belonged to the family since the 16th century. His finances as a young man were very "slender", as his family was not rich and, as a younger son, he had little patrimony to The Philosophical Branch Of Personal Identity on. Hume attended the University of Edinburgh at an unusually early age—either 12 or possibly as young as 10—at a time when 14 was the typical age. Initially, Hume considered a career in lawbecause of his family. However, in his words, he came to have: [19].
He had little respect for the professors of his time, telling a friend in that "there is nothing to be learnt from a Professor, which is not to be met with in Books". Aged 18 or so, Hume made a philosophical discovery that opened him up to "a new Scene of Thought", inspiring him "to throw up every other Pleasure or Business to apply entirely to it".]
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