The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov -

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov - are

The Master and Margarita is one of the most famous Russian novels. Like Alessandro Manzoni , Mikhail Bulgakov continued to amend the novel throughout his life, but not in order to purify the language: Bulgakov feared government censorship. After burning the first manuscript, he kept working on it until his death. For this reason, his third wife the novel in However, more than twenty years had to pass for the publication of The Master and Margarita : only in , a first, highly censored version came out in Russia. The first complete version appeared only in in the USSR. Suffice it to say that it weaves together two different stories and timelines: that of the literary Moscow of the thirties, where Woland Satan suddenly appears, and the Jerusalem of Jesus and Pontius Pilate. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

He obviously demonstrated that those topics are timeless, for Master is interested in the same questions as Pilate was years before. At the end of the novel Moscow and Jerusalem seem to be united in a metaphysical oneness, and two plots turn out to be one. Jerusalem Bulgwkov the case symbolizes immortal ever-being world and Moscow is the world of the earth.

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

It is hard to believe, that Woland is a real Satan, he rather looks like exactly part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good. In order to continue his narration, Bulgakov needed to introduce the reader into fantastic multi-world reality. He accepts that the reader is so skeptic about existence of God and Satan, that Woland expects to notice an atheist in every window. Woland says this to Berlioz, but it is Bulgakov who says to the reader: bear in mind that Jesus did exist. Moreover, the existence of the divine reality is proved even by its fiercest enemies — Berlioz and Ivanushka.

A hallucinatory journey

Berlioz tells Ivanushka that the rhyme has to be rewritten, but it is then rewritten not by Ivanushka but by Woland. So, concludes Bulgakov, whatever we mean about Jesus in this life, divine reality will remain unchanged. In order to stress the biblical chapters and keep the style unified Bulgakov showed Jerusalem as a vision of Woland or a dream of Ivanushka or a story told by Master or read by Margarita. His tone changes from satiric or sympathetic to unimpassioned speech in the evangelical passages. Thusly he achieves to basic aims — inseparably integrates biblical chapters into the novel and The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov an illusion of parallel between the two worlds.

Events are separated almost by two thousand years of time, but analogies are easy to trace. The weather and temporary changes are almost same. While Pilate walks with Yeshua by the moonlight beam Ivanushka stands at the beginning of this beam, symbolizing those whose choice is still not sure.

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Yeshua does not act as a Saviour, he is rather a creator who faces incomprehension and repudiation. Same happens to Master, whose novel is welcomed by angry critics and who is finally symbolically executed, because he is unable to create any more and falls into insanity. In contrast to all other human characters, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov Margarita, Master and Yeshua are the only ones who struggle for truth and sincerity to the end. Pilate had a heart with Yeshua and hinted, that only a slight lie could save his life. Yeshua refused and became a martyr. Pilate could not overcome his fear and sentenced himself to everlasting spiritual unrest. But at the end she is saved by Woland and Pilate is forgiven by Christ. Virtually every character in the novel has to face a choice situation and the choice he or she makes in the usual world predetermines his or her future existence in the spiritual reality.

Therefore, he is not worthy of light and he never meets Jesus.

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Divine will is passed to him by Woland, who, in turn, receives it from Matthew Levi. Characters of the paralleled novels never meet together and their ties are limited to communication via messengers and joining into one at the end. As regards the other characters, their choice is rather comic, than dramatic.

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

The crowd of women chooses to change their dress at a show arranged by Fagot and Behemoth. Their punishments are ridiculous but this does not mean that their actions will not be judged later in Ewigkeit.]

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