The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination -

The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination - opinion

The army is ready to start immediate vaccination, the only thing that prevents it from starting is the availability of vaccines. As soon as they are allocated to the armed forces, all professional soldiers will receive their dose within a few days. As soon as the vaccines have been received, and the Cabinet or the Ministry of Health will determine that the armed forces will also be able to get these vaccines, we will start our vaccination immediately,". We absolutely have that capacity. We already have detailed plans up to the surname and just the time when a particular soldier will come to a specific location for a vaccine. The armed forces will also be prepared to help in the vaccination of the population. The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination. The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination

The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination Video

Employers debate whether to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for employees

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In brief - The coronavirus vaccine roll out across Australia in the coming months raises important questions as to whether employers can and should make vaccination mandatory for their employees. Guidance is expected from both the federal and state governments in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, this article considers the current state of the law and the legal risks that arise when implementing a vaccination policy at work.


To date, only Victoria has addressed the question Importancee mandatory vaccination from a legal perspective, with the Health Services Amendment Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare Workers Act requiring vaccination against "specified diseases" of all workers employed or engaged in public hospitals, denominational read more and health service establishments. Importace addition, public health orders in New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania require workers residential aged care to be vaccinated against influenza where a vaccination is available, unless an employee has The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination medical contraindication to vaccination.

Interestingly, despite implementing the above Mandayory Services Amendment Act, Victoria does not require mandatory influenza vaccination in residential aged care rather, the Victorian Government recommends that residential aged care providers encourage vaccination against influenzanor is mandatory influenza vaccination a requirement in Queensland. This discrepancy highlights the uncertainty that exists in declaring COVID vaccination an inherent requirement of employment. The question has not yet been definitively answered The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination a court or tribunal. However, where the influenza vaccination has been considered by members of the Fair Work Commission FWCthe views expressed suggest that a vaccination may be an inherent requirement of employment, subject to the nature of the role and workplace. In Glover v Ozcare [] FWC Ozcarean in-home care worker alleged that she was unfairly dismissed after being informed that she could not return to work without receiving the influenza vaccine due to the COVID pandemic.

The year-old worker alleged that she could not be vaccinated due to allergies, having had a severe adverse reaction after getting an influenza vaccination at age seven. She had worked for her employer since without being vaccinated.

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Commissioner Hunt of the FWC held that, despite the employer's assertions that the worker was absent from work on an indefinite period of unpaid leave, in reality the worker had been dismissed. Having found that the worker had been dismissed, Commissioner Hunt referred the question of whether that dismissal was unfair for further hearing, but commented that:. Refusal of such may result in termination of employment, regardless of the employee's reason, whether medical, or based on religious grounds, or simply the person being a conscientious objector. The Ozcare decision follows Arnold v Goodstart Early Learning [] FWC More infoin which the FWC declined to exercise its discretion to allow an unfair dismissal claim to proceed where The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination application was lodged one day after the permissible 21 day period for seeking an unfair dismissal remedy.

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Goodstart concerned the dismissal of a child care worker in August after her employer made influenza vaccination mandatory but with a process for employees to seek an exception on medical grounds. Deputy President Asbury of the FWC noted that she did "not consider that Vaccinayion merits of the Applicant's case are so apparent" that extending the application deadline was justified, ostensibly in part because Ms Arnold did not allege any medical reason for refusing vaccination.

The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination

Asbury noted:. It is also equally arguable that the Applicant has unreasonably refused to comply with a lawful and reasonable direction which is necessary for her to comply with the inherent requirements of her position, which involves the provision of care to young children and infants. These decisions tend to suggest that the FWC is at least sympathetic to the argument that vaccination can be an inherent requirement of a role. In the absence of state or federal government guidance, or any clear judicial statement on the circumstances in which a COVID vaccination could be an inherent requirement Iportance an employee's role, employers should The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination cautious in Vaccinztion a COVID vaccine for employees.

As recently as last week the Federal Government signalled its view that vaccination would not be mandatory, including for workers in higher risk sectors such as aged care. An employer may therefore face difficulty defending an unfair dismissal claim on the basis that vaccination is an inherent requirement, especially where there are other measures available for minimising the risk of infection from COVID in the workplace for example, the use of Personal Protective Equipment and employees safely performed their roles for the of using only those measures.

Just because there may be The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination safer method of working this year, does not necessarily mean that last year's methods are now unsafe and that vaccination is therefore an inherent requirement.

The Importance Of Mandatory Vaccination

There is Importabce a risk of exposure to discrimination claims if an employee declines the vaccine based on medical or religious grounds and is penalised or dismissed. The Fair Work Act Cth Act prohibits the taking of adverse action against an employee or prospective employee because of factors including disability and religion. Employers could mitigate the risk of discrimination claims by including a carve-out in vaccination policies for those with a medical or religious reason for refusal. Importantly, the Act allows discriminatory action to be taken if it is taken "because of the inherent requirements of the position".]

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