Improvement in Food Resources -

Improvement in Food Resources

Improvement in Food Resources Video

Improvement in Food Resources - Introduction - Don't Memorise Improvement in Food Resources

Question 1.

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How much increase in cultivable land occurred in India from to ? Question 2. How many nutrients are essential for plants? Question 3. Which one of the following species of the honey bee is an Italian species? Question 4.

Improvement in Food Resources

How many micronutrients are required by plants? Question 5.

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Which of the following are Indian cattle? Question 6.

Improvement in Food Resources

The hybrid breed of buffalo yielding maximum milk is: a Jamunapari b Murrah c Sahiwal d Barbary. Question 7.

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This breed of cow gives more milk: a Bhadawari b Jaffrabadi c Murrah d Sahiwal. Question 8. This hybrid breed of the hen has the world record of laying maximum eggs: a White leghorn b Minorca c Karaknath d Vasra. Question Improveemnt. Which goat is known as the queen of milk?

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Question Which one of the following nutrients is not available Improvemebt common fertilizers? An Italian bee variety, Apis mellifera has also been brought in to increase the yield of honey. What name is given to the method of growing two or more crops in definite row patterns? What term is given to the growing of different crops on a piece of land in pre-planned succession?]

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